I sold $424,000 on Amazon in 30 days. (Exactly how I did it)

I sold $424,000 on Amazon in 30 days. (Exactly how I did it)

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Start and Scale an Amazon FBA Business to a Full-Time Income

Are you looking to start an Amazon FBA business but don't know where to begin? Or maybe you've already started but are struggling to make a full-time income. In this article, we'll show you exactly how to start and scale an Amazon FBA business to a full-time income, using proven strategies and tools.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Finding Profitable Products

3. Tools for the Job

4. Boosting Your Profit Margins

5. Building a Catalog of Replenishables

6. Hiring Virtual Assistants

7. Using a Prep Center

8. Conclusion

Finding Profitable Products

The first step to starting an Amazon FBA business is finding profitable products to sell. One way to do this is by using a product research tool like Seller Amp. This tool allows you to search for products on Amazon and see their sales rank, price, and profit potential.

When looking for profitable products, it's important to keep in mind that the best items are rarely profitable at the retail price. You'll need to stack discounts and coupons to boost your margins. Some free tools you can use to do this include Capital One Shopping, Raise, and cashback services like Top Cashback and Rakuten.

Another strategy for finding profitable products is reverse sourcing. This involves looking at the storefronts of other Amazon sellers who are already selling profitable products and finding similar items to sell.

Tools for the Job

To start an Amazon FBA business, you'll need a few tools to help you with product research and sourcing. The two main tools you'll need are Seller Amp and Keepa.

Seller Amp is a product research tool that allows you to search for profitable products on Amazon. Keepa is a tool that shows you the past history of all the items on Amazon, including their sales rank and price.

Boosting Your Profit Margins

To boost your profit margins, you'll want to leverage discounts and coupons whenever possible. Some free tools you can use to do this include Capital One Shopping, Raise, and cashback services like Top Cashback and Rakuten.

You'll also want to keep an eye out for seasonal sales and promotions. By stocking up on items that go crazy during a certain season, you can take advantage of the increased demand and boost your profits.

Building a Catalog of Replenishables

As you start to find profitable products, you'll want to build a catalog of replenishables. These are products that you can repeatedly come back to and sell, without having to constantly find new products.

To do this, you'll need to keep track of the products you've sold in the past and their sales history. You can use a tool like Google Sheets to store this information and make it easy to reference in the future.

Hiring Virtual Assistants

To scale your Amazon FBA business, you'll eventually need to hire virtual assistants to help you with product research, listing optimization, and other tasks. You can find virtual assistants from countries like the Philippines, where labor is cheaper.

Using a Prep Center

A prep center is a third-party service that receives, inspects, and prepares your products for shipment to Amazon's fulfillment centers. Using a prep center can save you time and money, especially if you're shipping from a state with high sales tax.


Starting and scaling an Amazon FBA business takes time and effort, but it's a proven way to make a full-time income. By using the strategies and tools outlined in this article, you can find profitable products, boost your profit margins, and build a successful Amazon FBA business.

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