I Did Amazon FBA Product Research... Here's What I Found!

I Did Amazon FBA Product Research... Here's What I Found!

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

🕵️‍♂️ Amazon FBA Product Research: 3 Niches Worth Exploring

Are you struggling to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon FBA? Don't worry, you're not alone. The product research process can be overwhelming, and many sellers find themselves stuck in analysis paralysis. But fear not, in this article, we'll be exploring three niches that look pretty attractive for new Amazon FBA sellers. We'll go through what makes each niche appealing and why you should consider taking a deeper dive. So, let's get started!

📦 Niche 1: Mug Storage Box

The first niche we'll be exploring is the mug storage box. It may sound boring, but that's precisely why it's a great niche to go after. Most sellers are not interested in selling these types of products, which means less competition for you. And despite their dull appearance, these products are flying off the shelves on Amazon, with some sellers making up to $30,000 a month.

When researching this niche, we noticed that most products look the same, with little to no differentiation. However, customers on Amazon love having a bit of choice, so offering different color options could be a hit. Additionally, many reviews complain about some storage compartments being too small for standard-sized coffee mugs. This seems like an easy fix for someone who knows how big Western mugs are compared to standard Chinese teacups. Overall, the mug storage box is a niche worth exploring.

🦀 Niche 2: Crab Crackers

Our second niche is crab crackers. This may not be a product you've ever considered selling before, but it's worth a closer look. These products are selling like hotcakes, with some sellers shifting over 3,500 units in a single month. The price point for these sits at an attractive $20, and after a bit of digging, we found that the quality on offer at the moment isn't particularly good. This is another thumbs up that this niche is worth further consideration, especially if you're looking for your first product to sell on Amazon.

Not only are the listings poor quality, but the brand names all suck. This is actually the type of product that you could start selling with a newly created brand before expanding that brand into other seafood-related products. Looking at customer reviews also gives the idea that the quality on offer at the moment isn't particularly good, which is another thumbs up that this niche is one that is worth further consideration.

💦 Niche 3: Water Bottle Organizers

The third niche we'll be exploring is the water bottle organizer niche. This is a related product niche that offers an opportunity to differentiate from the saturated water bottle market. The top seller in this niche generates $90,000 a month, with other sellers doing around $40,000 a month on average. The manufacturing cost per unit is around $2, meaning that the top sellers in this niche are likely making a 15 to 20% margin, taking home $10 to $15K a month in profits.

When browsing through a number of these listings, we noticed that all of the designs look pretty boring and cheap. This is probably not the sort of thing that looks great on a kitchen counter. One route to set yourself apart from the crowd would be to change the design and make it have a more modern look. Additionally, the listings are poorly written, and when coupled with the weird Chinese brand names, they just make the product look cheap and nasty. Someone in the know like us could easily improve this to convince the customer to buy.

🎉 Conclusion

There you have it, three niches worth exploring for new Amazon FBA sellers. Remember, the key to success is finding a profitable product that you can differentiate from the competition. These niches offer that opportunity, and with a bit of research and effort, you could be on your way to making a nice profit on Amazon.


Q: How do I know if a product is profitable?

A: You can use a profit calculator or ask an accountant to help you understand exactly what your profits will be.

Q: Should I outsource my product research?

A: It's up to you. You can find people on sites like Fiverr or Upwork to hunt for products on your behalf, or you can use a professional company like AMZ Scout.

Q: How do I differentiate my product from the competition?

A: You can offer different color options, change the design, or improve the quality of the product.

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