I Created A FREE Amazon Seller App For YOU!

I Created A FREE Amazon Seller App For YOU!

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Table of Contents

- Introduction

- What is Seller Buddy?

- How to Use Seller Buddy

- Creating an Account

- Home Screen Overview

- Steps Overview

- Timeline Overview

- Margin Calculator

- Seller Buddy AI

- Pros and Cons of Using Seller Buddy

- Conclusion

- Resources



Selling on Amazon can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. With so many resources available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start and what steps to take. That's where Seller Buddy comes in. Seller Buddy is an Amazon seller app that provides over 100 learning tutorials and resources, along with useful tools to help improve your day-to-day operations and do a lot of tasks for you. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what Seller Buddy is, how to use it, and its pros and cons.

What is Seller Buddy?

Seller Buddy is a one-stop-shop when it comes to learning how to sell on Amazon the right way. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help you launch your product successfully and improve your day-to-day operations. The app includes over 100 learning tutorials and resources, along with useful tools like Seller Buddy AI, which we'll get into shortly.

How to Use Seller Buddy

Creating an Account

To use Seller Buddy, you'll need to create an account. You can do this by going to the Seller Buddy website and clicking on the "Sign Up" button. Once you've created an account, you can log in and start using the app.

Home Screen Overview

The home screen of Seller Buddy is great for tracking your progress. It provides a bird's eye view of how you're progressing through your Amazon journey and through launching a product on Amazon. The home screen includes a countdown to launch, activities, percentage complete, tasks, and upcoming events.

Steps Overview

The steps section of Seller Buddy is where you'll be spending most of your time. In the free version, you'll have up to three steps, including the business setup, Seller Central, and FBA, as well as product research. If you want to become a pro subscriber, you'll gain access to every single step you need to launch your product successfully.

Timeline Overview

The timeline section of Seller Buddy provides a visual of the steps you'll need to take to launch your product successfully. It includes a personalized timeline based on your project start date and launch date, so you can understand where you should be allocating your time at what period of time.

Margin Calculator

The margin calculator is another useful tool provided by Seller Buddy. It provides an icon-based margin calculator where you can answer some questions, and it will provide you with your profit margin, expected profit, and total cost.

Seller Buddy AI

Seller Buddy AI is the feature that sets Seller Buddy apart from other Amazon seller apps. It provides an intelligent assistant that can help you create bullet points, titles, and provide information on what you should be doing next. You can ask Seller Buddy AI anything, and it will provide you with an intelligent response.

Pros and Cons of Using Seller Buddy


- Comprehensive set of tools and resources

- Seller Buddy AI provides an intelligent assistant

- Personalized timeline based on your project start date and launch date

- Margin calculator provides an icon-based calculator

- Easy to use interface


- Some features are only available to pro subscribers

- Seller Buddy AI can take some time to respond to complex questions


Seller Buddy is an excellent Amazon seller app that provides a comprehensive set of tools and resources to help you launch your product successfully and improve your day-to-day operations. The app includes over 100 learning tutorials and resources, along with useful tools like Seller Buddy AI, which provides an intelligent assistant. While some features are only available to pro subscribers, the app's easy-to-use interface and personalized timeline make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced Amazon sellers alike.


- Seller Buddy website: www.sellerbuddydoapp.com


Q: What is Seller Buddy?

A: Seller Buddy is an Amazon seller app that provides over 100 learning tutorials and resources, along with useful tools to help improve your day-to-day operations and do a lot of tasks for you.

Q: How do I use Seller Buddy?

A: To use Seller Buddy, you'll need to create an account. Once you've created an account, you can log in and start using the app. The app includes a home screen, steps, timeline, margin calculator, and Seller Buddy AI.

Q: What is Seller Buddy AI?

A: Seller Buddy AI is an intelligent assistant that can help you create bullet points, titles, and provide information on what you should be doing next. You can ask Seller Buddy AI anything, and it will provide you with an intelligent response.

Q: Are all features of Seller Buddy available for free?

A: No, some features are only available to pro subscribers.

- End -
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