I Changed How I Sell On Amazon FBA (Private Label vs. Amazon Wholesale vs Retail Arbitrage)

I Changed How I Sell On Amazon FBA (Private Label vs. Amazon Wholesale vs Retail Arbitrage)

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

Exploring Different Amazon Business Models: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to make money on Amazon but unsure which business model to pursue? In this article, we'll explore various Amazon business models, including private label, wholesale, retail arbitrage, and online arbitrage. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each model, as well as provide tips on how to get started.

Private Label: The Classic Amazon Business Model

Private label is the most well-known Amazon business model. It involves creating your own brand and selling products under that brand on Amazon. While private label can be lucrative, it also comes with a lot of risk. You need to invest a significant amount of money upfront to create your product, and there's no guarantee that it will sell.

Pros of Private Label

- High profit margins: Since you're creating your own product, you can set your own prices and enjoy higher profit margins.

- Brand recognition: If your product is successful, you can build a brand and enjoy long-term success.

- Control over your product: You have complete control over your product, from the design to the packaging.

Cons of Private Label

- High risk: There's no guarantee that your product will sell, and you could end up losing a lot of money.

- High upfront costs: You need to invest a significant amount of money upfront to create your product.

- Time-consuming: Creating your own product takes time and effort, and you need to be willing to put in the work.

Wholesale: Buying in Bulk

Wholesale involves buying products in bulk from a supplier and selling them on Amazon. This model allows you to leverage the supplier's buying power and enjoy lower prices. It's also less risky than private label since you're selling established products.

Pros of Wholesale

- Lower risk: Since you're selling established products, there's less risk involved.

- Lower upfront costs: You don't need to invest as much money upfront as you do with private label.

- Time-efficient: You can buy products in bulk and sell them quickly, allowing you to generate income faster.

Cons of Wholesale

- Lower profit margins: Since you're not creating your own product, you can't set your own prices and may have lower profit margins.

- Limited control over your product: You're selling someone else's product, so you have limited control over the design and packaging.

- Competition: Since you're selling established products, you'll face more competition from other sellers.

Retail Arbitrage: Finding Deals in Stores

Retail arbitrage involves finding products on clearance or at a discount in retail stores and reselling them on Amazon. This model requires more legwork than wholesale or private label, but it can be very profitable.

Pros of Retail Arbitrage

- High profit margins: Since you're buying products at a discount, you can enjoy high profit margins.

- Low upfront costs: You don't need to invest a lot of money upfront since you're buying products at a discount.

- Flexibility: You can do retail arbitrage in your spare time and on your own schedule.

Cons of Retail Arbitrage

- Time-consuming: You need to spend time searching for deals in stores.

- Limited inventory: You're limited to the products you can find in stores, so your inventory may be limited.

- Limited control over your product: You're selling someone else's product, so you have limited control over the design and packaging.

Online Arbitrage: Finding Deals Online

Online arbitrage involves finding products on clearance or at a discount online and reselling them on Amazon. This model is similar to retail arbitrage, but you're buying products online instead of in stores.

Pros of Online Arbitrage

- High profit margins: Since you're buying products at a discount, you can enjoy high profit margins.

- Low upfront costs: You don't need to invest a lot of money upfront since you're buying products at a discount.

- Flexibility: You can do online arbitrage in your spare time and on your own schedule.

Cons of Online Arbitrage

- Time-consuming: You need to spend time searching for deals online.

- Limited inventory: You're limited to the products you can find online, so your inventory may be limited.

- Limited control over your product: You're selling someone else's product, so you have limited control over the design and packaging.


There's no one-size-fits-all Amazon business model. Each model has its pros and cons, and the best model for you depends on your goals, budget, and experience. If you're new to Amazon, we recommend starting with retail arbitrage or online arbitrage since they require less upfront investment. As you gain experience and confidence, you can explore other models like wholesale and private label.


- Private label involves creating your own brand and selling products under that brand on Amazon.

- Wholesale involves buying products in bulk from a supplier and selling them on Amazon.

- Retail arbitrage involves finding products on clearance or at a discount in retail stores and reselling them on Amazon.

- Online arbitrage involves finding products on clearance or at a discount online and reselling them on Amazon.

- Each model has its pros and cons, and the best model for you depends on your goals, budget, and experience.


Q: How much money do I need to start an Amazon business?

A: It depends on the business model you choose. Private label requires the most upfront investment, while retail arbitrage and online arbitrage require the least.

Q: Is it possible to make a full-time income on Amazon?

A: Yes, many people make a full-time income on Amazon. However, it takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful Amazon business.

Q: Do I need to have experience to start an Amazon business?

A: No, you don't need to have experience to start an Amazon business. However, it helps to have some knowledge of the business model you choose and the Amazon platform.


- Amazon.com

- Alibaba.com

- Walmart.com

- Target.com

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