How WebHook works

How WebHook works

May 6, 2024
Author: Nick Ning

🌐 Understanding Webhooks: A Powerful Tool for Real-Time Communication

Webhooks are a powerful tool that allow different systems to communicate with each other in real-time. In this article, we will explain how webhooks work, their applications, and how they are used by different tech companies such as GitHub, Slack, and Stripe. We'll also discuss why webhooks are important in system design and how they compare to web sockets and REST API. So, let's dive in and start!

🤔 What are Webhooks?

When two computer systems need to communicate with each other, there are different ways to do it. One way is to have one system pull the other system, which means it keeps asking the other system if there is any new information. This can be slow and inefficient because it keeps asking even if there is nothing new to report.

Another way for computer systems to communicate is to have an open connection, which means they stay connected all the time. This can be fast but it's not a practical solution for all situations because it ties up resources and can't handle many connections at once.

Webhooks, on the other hand, don't use polling or open connections. Instead, one system tells the other system what URL it should send information to when there is new information available. This is one of the main advantages of webhooks, that is, they can significantly reduce the load on servers by eliminating the need for clients to constantly poll for updates.

🚀 Advantages of Webhooks

Another advantage of webhooks is that they allow for event-driven programming. Instead of requiring the client applications to check the server at regular intervals, webhooks enable the server to notify the client application only when new events occur.

Let's say you have a social media application that allows users to post updates, and you want to notify users when there is a new update. Without webhooks, you might have to continuously pull the server to check if there is any new update. This could be inefficient and can consume resources on both the client and server side.

Now, with webhooks, you can configure your social media application to send a notification to your client application whenever there is a new update. The client application can then process the notification and take appropriate action. For example, it could display a notification on the user's device or fetch the new update from the server.

🤖 How Webhooks Work

Technically, the client application registers a webhook with a social media application. This webhook specifies a URL where the social media application should send notifications whenever there's a new update. On receiving the notification, the client application can then process it. This could involve fetching the new updates from the server, updating the user interface, or performing some other action.

When a client registers a webhook URL with a server, it's essentially telling the server to send updates to the URL whenever something relevant happens. The server can then use the URL to send HTTP post requests to the client whenever a relevant event occurs. These events could be anything that the server needs to notify the client about, such as a new message in a chat app, a new order in an e-commerce app, or a new comment in a social media post.

When the server sends an HTTP post request to the webhook URL, it includes data about the event in the request body. This data can be in any format that both the server and client understand, such as JSON or XML. The client can then use this data to update its own state and display the new information to the user.

🤝 Webhooks vs. Other Communication Protocols

Webhooks are different from some other ways that programs talk to each other. For example, websockets allow programs to keep an open connection with each other all the time so they can talk to each other instantly. But this uses a lot of resources and can be difficult to set up. Webhooks are simpler and easier to use, and they work well for situations where you don't need to talk to another program all the time.

💻 Webhooks in Action

Webhooks are used by many tech companies to power their applications and services. GitHub uses webhooks to send notifications to external services when code is pushed to a repository or a new issue is created. Stripe uses webhooks to notify users of events that occur in the Stripe account, such as when a payment is made, a dispute is open, or a subscription is created or updated. Slack uses webhooks to integrate with other applications and services. For example, users can create a custom webhook to send notifications to a Slack channel when a specific event occurs in the application or service.

🌟 Highlights

- Webhooks are a powerful tool for real-time communication between systems.

- They allow servers to push updates to clients as soon as they become available, reducing latency and improving the overall performance and efficiency of the system.

- Webhooks enable event-driven programming, providing a more responsive and efficient way for clients and servers to communicate compared to traditional polling methods.

- Webhooks are simpler and easier to use than other communication protocols like web sockets and REST API.

- Many tech companies use webhooks to power their applications and services, including GitHub, Stripe, and Slack.


Q: What is the difference between webhooks and polling?

A: Webhooks are event-driven, meaning that they are triggered by specific events or actions, while polling is time-driven, meaning that the client has to keep checking the server at regular intervals, even if there may be no updates available.

Q: How do webhooks reduce the load on servers?

A: Webhooks eliminate the need for clients to constantly poll for updates, which significantly reduces the load on servers.

Q: What are some examples of events that can trigger a webhook?

A: Events that can trigger a webhook include a new message in a chat app, a new order in an e-commerce app, or a new comment in a social media post.

Q: What are some advantages of using webhooks?

A: Webhooks enable servers to push updates to clients as soon as they become available, reducing latency and improving the overall performance and efficiency of the system. They also enable event-driven programming, providing a more responsive and efficient way for clients and servers to communicate compared to traditional polling methods.

Q: How are webhooks different from web sockets?

A: Webhooks are simpler and easier to use than web sockets, which allow programs to keep an open connection with each other all the time so they can talk to each other instantly. Webhooks work well for situations where you don't need to talk to another program all the time.

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