How we're taking our Amazon brand to $30,000,000...

How we're taking our Amazon brand to $30,000,000...

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Key Learnings from 2023

3. The Impact of Custom Plastic Molds

4. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

5. The Plan for 2024: Reaching Eight Figures

6. Launching a Range of Consumable Products

7. Mastering Off-Amazon Marketing

8. Leveraging TikTok and Influencers

9. Building a Holistic Marketing Strategy

10. Conclusion


In 2023, our Amazon FBA brand experienced both successes and challenges. While we achieved a revenue of over 1.4 million dollars with an 18% profit margin, we fell short of our goal to reach 2 million dollars in sales. In this article, we will delve into the key learnings from 2023 and discuss the strategies we will implement in 2024 to lay the foundations for our brand's growth into an eight-figure business.

Key Learnings from 2023

One of the main reasons we didn't reach our sales target was due to taking two big swings in product development. These swings involved investing in products that required custom plastic molds. While this approach allowed us to create unique and standout products, it also came with challenges. The process of designing and manufacturing custom molds took longer than anticipated, causing delays in bringing the products to market. As a result, we missed the peak season for our brand, impacting our sales.

The Impact of Custom Plastic Molds

Custom plastic molds offer the advantage of creating exclusive products with design intellectual property (IP). However, the complexity and cost associated with this process can be significant. It took us several months to bring our first custom product to market, and the second one took nearly a year. While we believe this was the right path to take, we acknowledge that we should have had other products in the pipeline to ensure a continuous flow of new releases. The investment required for custom products limited our ability to launch additional products quickly.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Another factor that held us back in 2023 was our own limiting beliefs. We had previously dismissed the idea of entering certain product categories, assuming they would be too challenging. However, this mindset changed during the year. We realized that if others were succeeding in those markets, there was no reason why we couldn't do the same. We committed to overcoming these limiting beliefs and embracing new opportunities, regardless of the perceived difficulties. This shift in mindset became a significant learning experience for us.

The Plan for 2024: Reaching Eight Figures

Looking ahead to 2024, we have devised a plan to propel our brand towards achieving eight-figure revenue. This plan revolves around two key strategies: launching a range of consumable products and mastering off-Amazon marketing.

Launching a Range of Consumable Products

To increase the value of our brand and tap into recurring revenue streams, we will introduce a range of consumable pet products. These products, which customers purchase regularly, offer the potential for subscription-based sales through Amazon's Save and Subscribe feature. By expanding our product line to include consumables, we aim to enhance the overall value of our brand and make it more attractive for potential buyers in the future.

Mastering Off-Amazon Marketing

In 2024, we will prioritize off-Amazon marketing efforts to drive brand awareness and sales. We will focus on platforms such as TikTok, leveraging influencers, and utilizing organic and paid marketing strategies. By studying successful brands that have excelled in off-Amazon marketing, such as Miracle Moo and tabs chocolate, we aim to replicate their success. These brands have effectively utilized TikTok influencers to generate viral videos, leading to increased branded search volume on Amazon. We will adopt similar tactics to expand our reach and drive demand for our products.

Building a Holistic Marketing Strategy

To support our off-Amazon marketing initiatives, we will develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for our brand. This strategy will encompass various channels, including TikTok, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and influencer collaborations. By diversifying our marketing efforts and reaching a wider audience, we aim to maximize brand exposure and drive sales growth.


While 2023 presented us with challenges, it also provided valuable lessons and insights. We acknowledge the impact of custom plastic molds on our product launch timelines and the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs. Looking ahead to 2024, we are excited to implement our plan to reach eight figures. By launching a range of consumable products and mastering off-Amazon marketing, we aim to position our brand for exponential growth. With a renewed mindset and strategic approach, we are confident in our ability to achieve our goals and establish our brand as a leader in the industry.



- 2023 revenue: Over 1.4 million dollars with an 18% profit margin.

- Challenges faced: Delays in product launches due to custom plastic molds and limiting beliefs.

- Plan for 2024: Launching a range of consumable products and mastering off-Amazon marketing.

- Goals for 2024: Reaching eight figures in revenue and expanding brand value.



**Q: How did the investment in custom plastic molds impact your sales?**

A: While custom plastic molds allowed us to create unique products, the process took longer than expected, causing delays in bringing them to market. As a result, we missed the peak season for our brand, impacting our sales.

**Q: What are consumable pet products, and why are you focusing on them?**

A: Consumable pet products are items that pet owners purchase regularly, often on a monthly basis. By introducing a range of consumable products, we aim to tap into recurring revenue streams and increase the overall value of our brand.

**Q: How will you master off-Amazon marketing?**

A: We will leverage platforms like TikTok, collaborate with influencers, and utilize organic and paid marketing strategies. By studying successful brands that have excelled in off-Amazon marketing, we aim to replicate their success and drive brand awareness and sales.

**Q: What is your plan for building a holistic marketing strategy?**

A: Our holistic marketing strategy will encompass various channels, including TikTok, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and influencer collaborations. By diversifying our marketing efforts,

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