How To Use Helium 10 To Do Amazon FBA Product Research

How To Use Helium 10 To Do Amazon FBA Product Research

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

Live Product Research Demonstration: Using the Store Raider Method

Are you struggling to come up with product ideas for your Amazon store? Look no further than the store raider method. In this live product research demonstration, we'll show you step-by-step how to use this method to discover new product ideas and assess their potential profitability.

What is the Store Raider Method?

The store raider method is a product discovery method where you find a product and then start looking at what other products that same seller is selling. This method is useful because it allows you to see what other products are popular in a particular niche and assess their potential profitability.

Step 1: Head to Amazon

The first thing you'll need to do is head to Amazon, whichever platform or marketplace that you want to sell in. For this demonstration, we'll be using UK.

Step 2: Type in a Product Idea

Type in a product idea that you've already got. For this demonstration, we'll be using "posture corrector."

Step 3: Load a Listing with Lots of Reviews

Load a listing that's got quite a lot of reviews because it will indicate that that seller is pretty well established and probably has other products for you to have a snoop at.

Step 4: Click into the Seller's Details

Click into the seller's details and see what other products they are selling.

Step 5: Assess Sales Demand, Competition, and Saturation

Assess sales demand, competition, and saturation in the niche. Use tools like Helium 10 to get a better understanding of the market.

Step 6: Look at the Price Point

Look at the price point of the product and assess whether it's worth your while to sell.

Step 7: Look at the Revenues

Look at the revenues of the product and assess whether it's profitable enough for you to sell.

Step 8: Look at the Ratings

Look at the ratings of the product and assess whether there's an opportunity for you to improve upon the product further.

Step 9: Look at the Number of Images

Look at the number of images that the seller is using and assess whether you can offer more images that persuade the customer more and give more information about your brand and the product.


The store raider method is a powerful tool for discovering new product ideas and assessing their potential profitability. By following these steps, you can quickly and easily assess whether a particular niche is worth exploring further. Remember to use tools like Helium 10 to get a better understanding of the market and always do your due diligence before making any decisions.


- The store raider method is a quick and easy way to discover new product ideas.

- Using tools like Helium 10 can help you get a better understanding of the market.

- Assessing sales demand, competition, and saturation can help you make more informed decisions.


- The store raider method may not work for all niches.

- Assessing profitability can be difficult and may require more research.

In conclusion, the store raider method is a valuable tool for any Amazon seller looking to discover new product ideas. By following these steps and using tools like Helium 10, you can quickly and easily assess the potential profitability of a particular niche. Remember to always do your due diligence and make informed decisions.


- The store raider method is a product discovery method where you find a product and then start looking at what other products that same seller is selling.

- Use tools like Helium 10 to get a better understanding of the market.

- Assess sales demand, competition, and saturation in the niche.

- Look at the price point, revenues, ratings, and number of images to assess the potential profitability of a particular niche.


Q: What is the store raider method?

A: The store raider method is a product discovery method where you find a product and then start looking at what other products that same seller is selling.

Q: How do I assess the potential profitability of a particular niche?

A: Look at the price point, revenues, ratings, and number of images to assess the potential profitability of a particular niche.

Q: What tools can I use to get a better understanding of the market?

A: Tools like Helium 10 can help you get a better understanding of the market.

- End -
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