How To Use ChatGPT For Amazon FBA Research: Find $8K/Month Products Easily

How To Use ChatGPT For Amazon FBA Research: Find $8K/Month Products Easily

April 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

Using Chat GPT for Product Research on Amazon

Are you tired of spending hours searching for new products to sell on Amazon? Look no further than Chat GPT. As a language model trained by OpenAI, Chat GPT can help you find new and exciting products to sell on Amazon. In this article, we will show you step by step how to use Chat GPT for product research on Amazon.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is Chat GPT?

3. How to Use Chat GPT for Product Research on Amazon

4. Finding Product Categories on Amazon

5. Categorizing Product Categories

6. Finding Subcategories on Amazon

7. Finding Products on Amazon

8. Analyzing Products on Amazon

9. Using Helium 10 for Product Research

10. Conclusion

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like responses to text-based prompts. Chat GPT can be used for a variety of tasks, including product research on Amazon.

How to Use Chat GPT for Product Research on Amazon

To use Chat GPT for product research on Amazon, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Find Chat GPT online or purchase the paid version.

2. Ask Chat GPT to find product categories on Amazon.

3. Categorize the product categories from highest to lowest return rate.

4. Find subcategories within the product categories.

5. Find products within the subcategories.

6. Analyze the products using Helium 10.

Finding Product Categories on Amazon

To find product categories on Amazon using Chat GPT, simply ask it to list all the product categories on Amazon. Chat GPT will generate a list of categories, which you can then use to find products to sell.

Categorizing Product Categories

Once you have a list of product categories, you will need to categorize them from highest to lowest return rate. This will help you identify the most profitable categories to sell in.

Finding Subcategories on Amazon

Once you have categorized the product categories, you can then find subcategories within those categories. This will help you narrow down your search and find more specific products to sell.

Finding Products on Amazon

Once you have found subcategories, you can then find products within those subcategories. Chat GPT can help you generate a list of products to sell, which you can then analyze using Helium 10.

Analyzing Products on Amazon

Helium 10 is a product research tool that can help you analyze products on Amazon. You can use Helium 10 to find products with high sales and low competition, which will help you identify profitable products to sell.

Using Helium 10 for Product Research

To use Helium 10 for product research, simply enter the product name or ASIN into the search bar. Helium 10 will generate a list of products, which you can then analyze using various metrics, such as sales, reviews, and revenue.


In conclusion, Chat GPT is a powerful tool for product research on Amazon. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can use Chat GPT to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. Remember to use Helium 10 to analyze products and identify profitable opportunities. Happy selling!


- Chat GPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that can be used for product research on Amazon.

- To use Chat GPT for product research, you will need to find it online or purchase the paid version.

- Chat GPT can help you find product categories, subcategories, and products to sell on Amazon.

- Helium 10 is a product research tool that can help you analyze products on Amazon.

- Use Helium 10 to find products with high sales and low competition.


Q: Do I need the paid version of Chat GPT to use it for product research on Amazon?

A: No, you can use the free version of Chat GPT for product research on Amazon.

Q: Can Chat GPT help me find profitable products to sell on Amazon?

A: Yes, Chat GPT can help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon by generating lists of product categories, subcategories, and products.

Q: What is Helium 10?

A: Helium 10 is a product research tool that can help you analyze products on Amazon.

Q: How can I use Helium 10 for product research?

A: To use Helium 10 for product research, simply enter the product name or ASIN into the search bar. Helium 10 will generate a list of products, which you can then analyze using various metrics, such as sales, reviews, and revenue.



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