How to Start Dropshipping from Your PHONE & GET SALES (STEP BY STEP)

How to Start Dropshipping from Your PHONE & GET SALES (STEP BY STEP)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Start a Drop Shipping Business in Less Than 10 Minutes

Are you looking to start an online business but don't know where to begin? Look no further than drop shipping. With the right tools and strategies, you can start a successful drop shipping business in less than 10 minutes, all from your phone. In this article, we'll walk you through the process step by step, from building your online store to marketing your products on social media.

The AI Builder: Your Key to a Quick and Easy Online Store

The first step in starting your drop shipping business is building your online store. And with the AI Builder, it's never been easier. This free tool will build you a fully branded drop shipping store in just two minutes. Simply click on the link in the description box or type in "buildy your store" in your phone browser. From there, enter your name, email, and choose your niche from options like fashion and apparel, pets, electronics, home and garden, and sports and fitness. Click "build my free store" and within minutes, you'll have a fully functional online store.

Choosing Your Products and Suppliers

Once your store is built, it's time to choose your products and suppliers. Autods is a great platform for finding products to sell and automating your drop shipping journey. They have a huge library of products with fast shipment times, and even automate your orders, providing tracking updates and handling returns for your store.

If you choose not to use Autods, you can find your own products and suppliers through sites like AliExpress or CJ Drop Shipping. Just be prepared to add your products in manually and handle orders and returns yourself.

Marketing Your Products on Social Media

Now that your store is built and your products are chosen, it's time to start marketing. Social media is your best friend when it comes to promoting your drop shipping business. TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest are the three main platforms that will generate you the most sales.

Create short-form vertical video content that showcases your products in good lighting and with text graphics on screen. Add a psychological aspect to your videos to make them stand out and go viral. For example, create a shock factor or use a trending sound or hashtag.

The Power of TikTok Shop

TikTok recently launched TikTok Shop, which allows users to shop directly through the app. Take advantage of this feature by creating marketing videos that showcase your products and link directly to your store.


Starting a drop shipping business has never been easier. With the right tools and strategies, you can build a successful online store in less than 10 minutes and start making sales through social media. Remember to focus on one product and niche, and create short-form vertical video content that showcases your products in good lighting and with text graphics on screen. With consistency and dedication, you can turn your drop shipping business into a six-figure earning online business.

Pros and Cons


- Quick and easy to start

- Low startup costs

- No need to hold inventory

- Can be done from anywhere with an internet connection

- Huge potential for profit


- High competition in some niches

- Reliance on suppliers for product quality and shipping times

- Limited control over the customer experience

- Can be time-consuming to find the right products and suppliers


- Use the AI Builder to create a fully branded drop shipping store in just two minutes

- Autods is a great platform for finding products to sell and automating your drop shipping journey

- TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest are the three main platforms that will generate you the most sales

- Create short-form vertical video content that showcases your products in good lighting and with text graphics on screen

- Take advantage of TikTok Shop to allow users to shop directly through the app


Q: Do I need to hold inventory for my drop shipping business?

A: No, with drop shipping, you don't need to hold inventory. Your supplier will handle shipping and fulfillment for you.

Q: How do I choose the right niche for my drop shipping business?

A: Choose a niche that you're passionate about and that has a high demand. Research your competition and find a unique angle to stand out.

Q: How much money can I make with a drop shipping business?

A: The potential for profit is huge with drop shipping. Some businesses have earned six figures in their first year.

Q: Do I need a lot of followers on social media to make sales?

A: No, you don't need a lot of followers to make sales. Focus on creating high-quality content that showcases your products and appeals to your target audience.

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