How to Sell on Amazon in 2023: The Different Business Models (Beginners Guide), Amazon FBA Explained

How to Sell on Amazon in 2023: The Different Business Models (Beginners Guide), Amazon FBA Explained

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Selling Wholesale Products Using Amazon FBA

- Pros and Cons of Selling Wholesale Products

- Selling Private Label Products Using Amazon FBA

- Pros and Cons of Selling Private Label Products

- Retail Arbitrage Method

- Pros and Cons of Retail Arbitrage Method

- Drop Shipping Method

- Pros and Cons of Drop Shipping Method

- Conclusion


Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) has become a popular way for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and make money online. With over 82% of all households in the US having an Amazon Prime account, it's no wonder that so many people are interested in selling on Amazon. However, with so many different methods to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one is the best for you. In this article, we will compare the most popular methods of selling on Amazon, including selling wholesale products, selling private label products, retail arbitrage, and drop shipping. We will discuss the pros and cons of each method to help you decide which one is right for you.

Selling Wholesale Products Using Amazon FBA

Selling wholesale products using Amazon FBA is a popular method for many sellers. This involves contacting distributors of branded products and purchasing bulk inventory of those products from them to sell on Amazon. Products like Dove shampoo, Crest toothpaste, Samsung TVs, and Prime energy drinks are all examples of big branding products that can be sold on Amazon.

To start selling wholesale products, you would need to find distributors for those wholesale products who usually have a list of inventory that they can sort through. Then, you would need to do research to see which ones are actually profitable to sell on Amazon and purchase multiple hundreds of units of them to send off to Amazon.

Pros and Cons of Selling Wholesale Products


- Selling big brand name products on Amazon can be profitable.

- You don't have to create your own product or brand.

- You can start selling quickly.


- It's not 100% hands-off. You have to physically purchase the products and then ship them to a warehouse.

- You need to get brand approval for all the items as they are not your brand.

- You also need to repackage them, label all of the boxes, and ship them to an Amazon warehouse yourself.

- It requires you to constantly be finding new products and new suppliers and always being very active with your business.

Selling Private Label Products Using Amazon FBA

Selling private label products using Amazon FBA is another popular method for many sellers. This involves finding simple everyday products like kitchen items, house decor, pet items, and things that sell every single day on Amazon. Once you have found a winning product, you then look for suppliers on a website called Alibaba, and they manufacture the products to your liking.

The cool part is that the supplier from overseas will actually do all of the labor for you. They will customize your product, manufacture it for you, and also do all of your packaging for you as well. Once it's all manufactured and ready to be sent out, they will actually prep the shipment for you and send it over to Amazon's fulfillment centers for you, allowing you to run your entire business from your laptop from anywhere in the world.

Pros and Cons of Selling Private Label Products


- You don't have to touch any of the products yourself.

- You don't need to label anything yourself.

- You don't need to ship anything yourself.

- You can run your entire business from your laptop from anywhere in the world.

- Generally, the profit margins are higher with private label.


- It requires more upfront investment than other methods.

- You need to find a winning product and a reliable supplier.

- You need to manage your inventory and order more products so you don't run out of stock.

Retail Arbitrage Method

The retail arbitrage method involves going into stores like Walmart and Marshalls and searching for products that are on discount and then flipping those products on Amazon. This is a great way to start with a very low budget and it's not too difficult to learn.

Pros and Cons of Retail Arbitrage Method


- It has the lowest barrier of entry.

- It's a great way to get into the entrepreneurship world.

- You can start with a very low budget.


- It's not very scalable.

- There is labor involved.

- You have to be very active with finding more products consistently.

Drop Shipping Method

The drop shipping method involves finding products on other websites online like eBay and then listing an item that is on eBay on your Amazon account without ever actually owning the product at all. This is not recommended as it's the easiest way to get banned from Amazon.

Pros and Cons of Drop Shipping Method


- None.


- Your account will likely get shut down.

- The margins are extremely low.

- You don't actually own the product.


In conclusion, there are many different methods to sell on Amazon, and each one has its own pros and cons. Selling wholesale products, selling private label products, retail arbitrage, and drop shipping are the most popular methods. It's important to choose the method that is right for you based on your budget, time, and goals. Remember, with any business, there will be work involved, but with the right method, you can make money online and live the lifestyle you want.

🌟 Highlights

- Amazon FBA is a popular way for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses and make money online.

- Selling wholesale products, selling private label products, retail arbitrage, and drop shipping are the most popular methods of selling on Amazon.

- Selling private label products is the most hands-off method and generally has higher profit margins.

- Drop shipping is not recommended as it's the easiest way to get banned from Amazon.

🙋‍♀️ FAQ

Q: What is Amazon FBA?

A: Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a service provided by Amazon that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers. Amazon then picks, packs, and ships the products to the customers on behalf of the seller.

Q: What is the best method for selling on Amazon?

A: The best method for selling on Amazon depends on your budget, time, and goals. Selling private label products is the most hands-off method and generally has higher profit margins.

Q: What is the retail arbitrage method?

A: The retail arbitrage method involves going into stores like Walmart and Marshalls and searching for products that are on discount and then flipping those products on Amazon.

Q: What is the drop shipping method?

A: The drop shipping method involves finding products on other websites online like eBay and then listing an item that is on eBay on your Amazon account without ever actually owning the product at all.

- End -
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