"Maximize your sourcing potential with Alibaba.com, the largest platform for product procurement. Browse and message verified suppliers offering trade assurance. Filter by niche-specific details such as minimum order quantity and branding options. Check supplier reviews before speaking with them via email or audio chat to finalize shipping terms and payment schedules using Alibaba.com's trade assurance feature. Invest in your business's long-term success on Amazon FBA/Private Labeling by researching thoroughly."
Video by @stealthamazonfba4166 (https://www.youtube.com/@stealthamazonfba4166)
1. Alibaba.com is the largest platform for sourcing products.
2. Create an account to start browsing and messaging suppliers.
3. Search for a product using keywords or images.
4. Filter by suppliers who offer trade assurance and are verified.
5. Contact at least 5-10 suppliers to get their catalogues, minimum order quantity, and branding options.
6. Look through supplier details such as main products and number of employees to ensure they specialize in your niche.
7. Check reviews from other buyers on the supplier's page to gauge their reliability.
8. Speak with the supplier via email or audio chat (Skype/WhatsApp/WeChat) before placing an order
9. Use trade assurance when ordering, agreeing on shipping terms, payment schedule, etc., with the supplier through Alibaba.com
10. Research thoroughly before making any decisions as this can potentially be a long-term investment for your business on Amazon FBA/Private Labeling
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