How to Sell Digital Products on Shopify with Sky Pilot

How to Sell Digital Products on Shopify with Sky Pilot

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Benefits of Selling Digital Products on Shopify

3. Examples of Successful Shopify Stores Selling Digital Products

4. How to Use the Sky Pilot App for Selling Digital Products

5. Creating Better Offers for Physical Products with Digital Downloads

6. Adding Free PDFs to Product Pages

7. Finding and Purchasing PLR Content for Giveaways

8. Uploading Digital Files to Sky Pilot

9. Customizing Download Options for Customers

10. Managing and Tracking Digital Product Sales

Selling Digital Products on Shopify: A Lucrative Opportunity

In today's digital age, selling digital products has become a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs and businesses alike. Whether you're looking to exclusively sell digital products or enhance your physical product offerings with digital downloads, Shopify provides a robust platform to showcase and sell your creations. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of selling digital products on Shopify, examine successful examples of Shopify stores, and delve into the process of using the Sky Pilot app to streamline your digital product sales.

1. Introduction

The world of e-commerce has witnessed a significant shift towards digital products. From planners and designs to magic tricks and tutorials, the demand for digital goods continues to soar. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of selling digital products on Shopify, helping you tap into this thriving market and maximize your revenue potential.

2. Benefits of Selling Digital Products on Shopify

Selling digital products on Shopify offers numerous advantages over traditional physical products. Let's explore some of the key benefits:

- Instant Delivery: Unlike physical products that require shipping, digital products can be downloaded instantly. This eliminates shipping costs and long waiting times for customers, resulting in a seamless and satisfying purchasing experience.

- Cost Efficiency: Once you create a digital product and upload it to your Shopify store, there are no additional production costs. This means higher profit margins and the ability to scale your business without worrying about inventory management.

- Global Reach: With digital products, geographical boundaries become irrelevant. You can sell to customers worldwide without the constraints of shipping logistics, making it easier to expand your customer base and increase sales.

- Versatility: Digital products offer endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. Whether you're selling e-books, video tutorials, or software downloads, you have the freedom to explore various formats and cater to diverse customer preferences.

3. Examples of Successful Shopify Stores Selling Digital Products

To inspire your digital product journey, let's take a look at two Shopify stores that have achieved remarkable success by focusing solely on digital products.

Cake and Cookie Planner: Your Digital Planning Companion 🍰🍪

Cake and Cookie Planner is a prime example of a store that exclusively sells digital planners. From cake-themed planners to traditional sketching planners, they offer a wide range of downloadable products that cater to different interests and needs. By capitalizing on the convenience and versatility of digital planning, Cake and Cookie Planner has carved a niche for itself in the market.

Magic Tricks and Instant Tutorials: Unleash Your Inner Magician 🎩✨

This Shopify store specializes in selling magic tricks and instant tutorials. Customers can browse through an extensive collection of magic trick products and place orders to learn the art of illusion. Upon purchase, they receive video tutorials and PDFs that can be instantly downloaded. This store's success demonstrates the profitability of digital products in niche markets.

4. How to Use the Sky Pilot App for Selling Digital Products

Now that you've seen the potential of selling digital products on Shopify, let's dive into the process of using the Sky Pilot app to streamline your digital product sales. Sky Pilot is a powerful app that simplifies the management and delivery of digital files to your customers. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Install the Sky Pilot app from the Shopify App Store and activate the free 14-day trial.

2. Update your product pages to highlight the digital products you're offering. Consider adding enticing titles and images that showcase the value customers will receive.

3. Create or source digital files to give away with your physical products. You can find ready-made PDFs and other content online, or create your own using tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud.

4. Upload the digital files to the Sky Pilot app. You can easily drag and drop files or choose them from your computer.

5. Customize the download options for your customers. Set download limits or expiration dates if desired, but remember that simplicity and ease of use are key to a positive customer experience.

6. Take advantage of the "Notify All Past Customers" feature to inform previous buyers about any updates or new digital files available. This helps you maintain customer engagement and loyalty.

By leveraging the Sky Pilot app, you can effortlessly manage your digital products, provide a seamless purchasing experience, and focus on growing your business.

5. Creating Better Offers for Physical Products with Digital Downloads

If you're running a dropshipping store or selling physical products, incorporating digital downloads can enhance your offers and increase customer satisfaction. Let's explore how you can create better offers using the example of a fitness product like resistance bands.

Imagine you're selling resistance bands on your Shopify store. To make your offer more enticing, consider giving away a free workout tutorial or a PDF with a workout plan. By bundling a valuable digital product with the physical item, you create a more compelling offer that motivates customers to make a purchase. This strategy not only increases sales but also establishes your brand as a trusted source of valuable content.

6. Adding Free PDFs to Product Pages

To add a free PDF to your product page, follow these simple steps:

1. Find a suitable PDF related to your product. You can create your own or search for Private Label Rights (PLR) content online.

2. Upload the PDF to the Sky Pilot app, associating it with the corresponding product.

3. Customize the product page by adding a clear title and an image of the PDF. This visually communicates the added value customers will receive.

4. Ensure that the PDF is automatically delivered to customers upon purchase, providing them with an instant download link.

By offering free PDFs, you enhance the perceived value of your physical products and entice customers to choose your brand over competitors.

7. Finding and Purchasing PLR Content for Giveaways

If you're looking for ready-made digital content to give away, Private Label Rights (PLR) products can be a valuable resource. PLR content allows you to legally modify and distribute pre-existing digital products as your own. Here's how you can find and purchase PLR content:

1. Conduct a Google search for relevant keywords, such as "fitness resistance bands PLR."

2. Explore the websites that offer PLR content and browse their product offerings.

3. Choose a PLR product that aligns with your brand and meets your customers' needs.

4. Purchase the PLR product, ensuring that you acquire the appropriate license for distribution.

Remember to review the PLR content thoroughly and make any necessary modifications to align it with your brand identity and quality standards.

8. Uploading Digital Files to Sky Pilot

Once you've obtained the digital files, it's time to upload them to the Sky Pilot app. Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate your digital products with your Shopify store:

1. Access your Shopify dashboard and navigate to the Sky Pilot app.

2. Select the product you want to associate with the digital files.

3. Use the file upload feature to add the PDFs, videos, or other digital content to the product.

4. Save the changes, and the digital files will be automatically delivered to customers upon purchase.

By utilizing the Sky Pilot app, you can efficiently manage your digital products and ensure a smooth customer experience.

9. Customizing Download Options for Customers

The Sky Pilot app offers various customization options to tailor the download experience for your customers. Here are some features you can utilize:

- Download Limits: You can set a specific number of downloads per customer to prevent abuse or unauthorized sharing. However, consider balancing security measures with customer convenience.

- Expiration Dates: If you want to create a sense of urgency or limit access to the digital files, you can set an expiration date. This encourages customers to download the files promptly and adds value to your offers.

- Email Notifications: Take advantage of the app's email notification feature to inform customers about updates or new digital files. This keeps them engaged and encourages repeat purchases.

Remember to strike a balance between security measures and a seamless user experience. The goal is to provide value to your customers while protecting your digital assets.

10. Managing and Tracking Digital Product Sales

The Sky Pilot app provides a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to manage and track your digital product sales effectively. Here's what you can do:

- Monitor Deliveries: The dashboard provides insights into the number of deliveries made, giving you a clear overview of your digital product sales.

- Track Orders: You can view and track orders specifically related to your digital products, ensuring that customers receive their downloads promptly.

- Access Files: The app's file management feature allows you to easily access and organize all your digital files in one place.

By utilizing the Sky Pilot app's comprehensive features, you can streamline your digital product sales and focus on growing your business.


- Selling digital products on Shopify offers instant delivery, cost efficiency, global reach, and versatility.

- Cake and Cookie Planner and Magic Tricks and Instant Tutorials are successful examples of Shopify stores exclusively selling digital products.

- The Sky Pilot app simplifies the management and delivery of digital files to customers, enhancing the selling experience.

- Adding free PDFs to product pages and creating better offers for physical products can increase customer satisfaction and sales.

- Private Label Rights (PLR) content can be purchased and customized to provide valuable giveaways.

- Uploading digital files to the Sky Pilot app is a straightforward process, ensuring seamless delivery to customers.

- Customizing download options, such as download limits and expiration dates, enhances security and customer experience.

- The Sky Pilot app's dashboard allows for efficient management and tracking of digital product sales.


**Q: Can I sell both physical and digital products on Shopify?**

A: Yes, Shopify allows you to sell a combination of physical and digital products, giving you the flexibility to cater

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