How to Make Money Online for Complete Beginners (In 2024)

How to Make Money Online for Complete Beginners (In 2024)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Desire for Financial Freedom

3. The Importance of a Belief Check

4. Finding Success with Copy and Paste

5. Scaling Up: From $100 a Day to $8,000 in 30 Days

6. The Power of Affiliate Marketing

7. Gaining Attention and Building an Audience

8. Monetizing Content with AdSense

9. Exploring E-commerce and Dropshipping

10. The Silver Lining Method: Making $20,000 a Month

11. Conclusion


In today's digital age, making money online has become a popular pursuit for many individuals, especially beginners looking to generate income. The allure of financial freedom and the ability to escape the constraints of a traditional job is a powerful motivator. In this article, we will explore various strategies and methods that can help complete beginners embark on their journey to making money online.

The Desire for Financial Freedom

For many people, the desire for financial freedom goes beyond material possessions and extravagant lifestyles. It's about regaining control over one's life, escaping the confines of a job they dislike, and being able to provide for their loved ones. The author shares their personal experience, emphasizing that their primary goal was to make $100 a day or $5,000 a month to achieve the freedom they longed for.

The Importance of a Belief Check

Before diving into the world of online money-making, it is crucial to have a belief check. This refers to the moment when you see money being deposited into your bank account for the first time through online endeavors. It is a transformative experience that solidifies the belief that making money online is indeed possible. The author shares their own belief check moment, which served as a turning point in their journey.

Finding Success with Copy and Paste

In the early stages of their online money-making journey, the author discovered a simple yet effective method: copy and paste. They would find products on platforms like Walmart and list them on eBay for a higher price, earning a profit from each sale. This method allowed them to make their first $100 a day, providing a glimmer of hope and proving that making money online was within reach.

Scaling Up: From $100 a Day to $8,000 in 30 Days

Once the author had established a steady income stream, they set their sights on scaling up their earnings. They turned to affiliate marketing, specifically using platforms like ClickBank to promote products and earn commissions. By leveraging the power of marketing and focusing on higher-profit products, they were able to increase their earnings to $8,000 in just 30 days.

The Power of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing became a game-changer for the author, as it allowed them to tap into a vast array of products without the need for inventory or customer service. They highlight the benefits of affiliate marketing, such as the ability to earn commissions while others handle the logistics. This approach opened up new opportunities and propelled their income to new heights.

Gaining Attention and Building an Audience

In the online world, attention is the new currency. The author emphasizes the importance of gaining attention and building an audience to succeed in making money online. They share their experience of creating YouTube videos and turning them into blog articles and Pinterest content, which helped them attract more eyeballs and advertisers. Attention became the catalyst for

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