How to Make Money As A High Ticket Remote Closer in 2024 (For Beginners)

How to Make Money As A High Ticket Remote Closer in 2024 (For Beginners)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Desire for Freedom

3. The Challenges of Starting Online

4. Discovering a Lucrative Business Model

5. Leveraging Existing Success

6. The Role of Appointment Setting

7. Transitioning into the Closing Role

8. Building Sales Skills

9. The Importance of Script Mastery

10. Finding High Ticket Opportunities

11. Solving Pain Points for Clients

12. Building Credibility and Results

13. Working for Free to Gain Experience

14. The Power of Testimonials

15. Professional Branding on Social Media

16. Scaling Your Remote Closing Business

17. Fast Track to Success with Remote Closing

18. Conclusion


In today's digital age, making money online has become a desirable goal for many. The allure of financial freedom and the ability to provide for one's family is a driving force behind this pursuit. However, starting an online business can be challenging, especially when lacking the necessary skills and knowledge. In this article, we will explore a lucrative business model called high ticket remote closing, which has proven to be successful for complete beginners. We will delve into the steps involved in this process, highlighting the importance of sales skills, script mastery, and building credibility. By the end, you will have a clear understanding of how to make money with high ticket remote closing and the potential it holds for financial success.

**The Desire for Freedom**

When venturing into the world of online business, the desire for freedom often serves as the primary motivation. Many individuals are not driven by the pursuit of millions of dollars or material possessions. Instead, they seek the freedom to live life on their own terms and take care of their loved ones. This longing for independence pushes them to explore various business models and opportunities, hoping to find a path that aligns with their goals.

**The Challenges of Starting Online**

Starting an online business can be overwhelming, especially for those without prior experience or knowledge. The vast array of business models, from eBay Drop Shipping to e-commerce and Amazon FBA, can make it difficult to choose the right path. Additionally, the solitary nature of these endeavors can make the journey even more challenging. Without guidance or support, navigating the online business landscape becomes a daunting task.

**Discovering a Lucrative Business Model**

In 2014 or 2015, a turning point

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