March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. [Introduction](#introduction)

2. [How to Use Nida AI to Create Faceless YouTube Videos](#how-to-use-nida-ai-to-create-faceless-youtube-videos)

3. [Pros and Cons of Using Nida AI](#pros-and-cons-of-using-nida-ai)

4. [Highlights](#highlights)

5. [FAQ Q&A](#faq-qa)


In this article, I will be sharing my new secret and perfect prompt that you can use to create complete faceless YouTube videos in under 15 minutes using Nida AI. I will also be providing a step-by-step process of exactly how you can use it to create the perfect viral video every single time.

So if you're looking for an easy way to create high-quality videos for your YouTube channel, then you're going to want to read this article.

How to Use Nida AI to Create Faceless YouTube Videos

In order to use Nida AI to create faceless YouTube videos, you will first need to download the app on your phone. You can do this by going to the App Store and searching for "Nida AI". Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to create an account.

Once you have created an account, you will be taken to the main dashboard. This is where you will be able to create your videos.

To create a video, you will first need to type in a prompt. This is a brief description of what you want your video to be about. For example, you could type in "a video about asteroids".

Once you have typed in a prompt, Nida AI will generate a video script, voice over, background music, stock footage, and subtitles for you. You can then edit these elements to your liking.

Once you are happy with your video, you can export it and upload it to YouTube.

Pros and Cons of Using Nida AI

There are a number of pros and cons to using Nida AI to create faceless YouTube videos.


* **Easy to use:** Nida AI is very easy to use. Even if you have no experience with video editing, you can create a high-quality video using this tool.

* **Fast:** Nida AI can create a complete video in under 15 minutes. This is much faster than if you were to create the video yourself.

* **Viral potential:** Nida AI-generated videos have the potential to go viral. This is because they are often very engaging and interesting.


* **Cost:** Nida AI is not free. The plus plan costs $20 per month and the max plan costs $40 per month.

* **Watermarks:** Nida AI videos are watermarked with the Nida AI logo. This can be distracting for some viewers.

* **Lack of control:** Nida AI does not give you complete control over the final product. You cannot change the script, voice over, or music.


Here are some of the highlights of using Nida AI to create faceless YouTube videos:

* **Fast:** Nida AI can create a complete video in under 15 minutes.

* **Easy to use:** Nida AI is very easy to use. Even if you have no experience with video editing, you can create a high-quality video using this tool.

* **Viral potential:** Nida AI-generated videos have the potential to go viral. This is because they are often very engaging and interesting.


**Q: What are the limitations of Nida AI?**

A: There are a few limitations to Nida AI. For example, you cannot change the script, voice over, or music. Additionally, Nida AI videos are watermarked with the Nida AI logo.

**Q: Is Nida AI safe to use?**

A: Yes, Nida AI is safe to use. The app does not collect any personal information from users.

**Q: Is Nida AI free to use?**

A: No, Nida AI is not free to use. The plus plan costs $20 per month and the max plan costs $40 per month.

**Q: Can I use Nida AI to create videos for commercial purposes?**

A: Yes, you can use Nida AI to create videos for commercial purposes. However, you must purchase a commercial license from Nida AI.

**Q: How do I get started with Nida AI?**

A: To get started with Nida AI, you can download the app from the App Store or

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