How to Make Faceless Videos With ChatGPT (EXTREMELY POWERFUL)

How to Make Faceless Videos With ChatGPT (EXTREMELY POWERFUL)

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Rise of Faceless YouTube Channels

3. The Time Investment

4. Creating High-Quality Videos with Chat GPT

5. The Secret Prompt for Video Creation

6. Accessing Chat GPT and Video AI

7. Using the Prompt for Video Creation

8. Customizing Thumbnails for Clickability

9. Generating Video Titles and Descriptions

10. YouTube SEO Optimization

11. Testing the Video Creation Process

12. Adjustments and Editing

13. Exporting the Video

14. Competing on YouTube

15. Conclusion


In today's digital landscape, running a successful YouTube channel has become a lucrative side hustle for many content creators. However, the process of creating high-quality videos can be time-consuming and demanding. But what if I told you that you can now create professional videos right in Chat GPT with just a single prompt? In this article, I will guide you through the process of creating faceless YouTube videos using Chat GPT, including a secret prompt that streamlines the entire video creation process. Get ready to discover a new way to produce engaging content effortlessly.

The Rise of Faceless YouTube Channels

Faceless YouTube channels have gained immense popularity in recent years. These channels, operated by anonymous creators, have managed to earn substantial incomes, with some even raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. The allure of faceless channels lies in their ability to focus solely on content creation without the need for personal branding or on-camera presence. This anonymity allows creators to explore various niches and cater to a wide range of audiences.

The Time Investment

While faceless YouTube channels offer great potential for financial success, they do require a significant time investment. Researching, scripting, gathering footage, creating voiceovers, and editing can consume hours of your valuable time. However, there is a solution that can drastically reduce the time and effort required to create high-quality videos.

Creating High-Quality Videos with Chat GPT

Chat GPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, now offers the capability to create high-quality videos directly within the chat interface. With just a single prompt, you can generate engaging videos in a matter of seconds. This revolutionary feature opens up new possibilities for content creators, allowing them to focus more on ideation and less on the technical aspects of video production.

The Secret Prompt for Video Creation

To make the video creation process even more efficient, I have developed a secret prompt that not only generates the video but also creates the video title, description, and highly clickable thumbnails. This prompt is designed to provide you with results that will truly impress both you and your audience. Later in this article, I will share this prompt with you, so keep reading to discover how it can transform your video creation process.

Accessing Chat GPT and Video AI

To access the video creation capabilities of Chat GPT, you need to visit the specific version of Chat GPT designed for video creation. You can find it at Please note that currently, access to this feature requires a paid Chat GPT account. However, this may change in the near future as OpenAI continues to refine and expand its offerings.

Using the Prompt for Video Creation

Once you have accessed Chat GPT for video creation, you can start using the secret prompt to generate your videos. The prompt instructs Chat GPT to perform four essential tasks:

1. Create the video: Specify the length, topic, and introduction style for your video. The introduction is crucial, as it sets the tone and captures the viewer's attention.

2. Provide an article as a source: You can supply an article that Chat GPT will use as a source of information for your video. This helps ensure accuracy and depth of content.

3. Customize background music and voiceover: Specify the type of background music and the desired voiceover style to create the desired atmosphere for your video.

4. Define subtitle style: Choose the style for subtitles that best suits your video's aesthetic and enhances viewer comprehension.

Customizing Thumbnails for Clickability

Thumbnails play a vital role in attracting viewers to your videos. With the secret prompt, you can instruct Chat GPT to create three thumbnails for your video. By testing different variations, you can ensure that at least one thumbnail perfectly matches your video's description and entices viewers to click. Specify the thumbnail style, the person or object featured, and limit the text to three words for optimal visual impact.

Generating Video Titles and Descriptions

The secret prompt also enables Chat GPT to generate five potential titles for your video. These titles are designed to capture attention and increase the likelihood of your video appearing in search results. Additionally, Chat GPT can create a YouTube SEO-optimized description that incorporates keywords related to your video's topic, ensuring higher visibility and more views.

YouTube SEO Optimization

To maximize the reach of your video, it's crucial to optimize it for YouTube's search algorithm. By including relevant keywords with a high search volume in your video's description, you increase the chances of ranking higher in search results. This optimization strategy can significantly boost your video's visibility and attract a larger audience.

Testing the Video Creation Process

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the video creation process using Chat GPT, I conducted a test focused on space travel. By following the prompt and providing specific instructions, I was able to generate a video that exceeded expectations. The script, voiceover, and visuals seamlessly came together to create an engaging and informative video.

Adjustments and Editing

After generating the video, you have the option to make adjustments and edits to further refine the final product. Chat GPT allows you to communicate with Envidio, the video editing platform, to make changes such as adjusting background music volume, adding calls to action, or replacing footage. This flexibility ensures that you have full control over the creative direction of your video.

Exporting the Video

Once you are satisfied with the video, you can export it from Envidio. Keep in mind that if you are using the free plan, the exported video may contain a watermark. However, upgrading to a paid plan removes this limitation, allowing you to download watermark-free videos. After exporting, your video is ready to be shared with the world.

Competing on YouTube

To succeed on YouTube, it's essential to create compelling thumbnails and captivating video introductions. These elements set the stage for viewer expectations and determine whether they will continue watching. By utilizing the AI-generated thumbnail and title, you can position your video among the top contenders in search results. The engaging introduction will hook viewers from the start, increasing the likelihood of likes, subscriptions, and overall success.


Creating high-quality YouTube videos has never been easier thanks to Chat GPT and the secret prompt I shared with you. By leveraging the power of AI, you can streamline the video creation process, save time, and produce engaging content that captivates your audience. Embrace this innovative approach to video production and unlock new possibilities for your YouTube channel. Get ready to take your content creation to the next level and enjoy the rewards of your hard work.



- Faceless YouTube channels offer anonymity and the potential for significant income.

- Creating high-quality videos can be time-consuming and demanding.

- Chat GPT allows for the creation of professional videos with just a single prompt.

- The secret prompt generates video content, titles, descriptions, and clickable thumbnails.

- Customizing thumbnails and optimizing videos for YouTube SEO are crucial for success.

- Adjustments and edits can be made to fine-tune the final video.

- Exporting the video allows for sharing and distribution.

- Engaging thumbnails and captivating introductions are key to competing on YouTube.



Q: Can I use Chat GPT for video creation without a paid account?

A: Currently, access to video creation features in Chat GPT requires a paid account. However, this may change in the future.

Q: How many thumbnails can I generate with the secret prompt?

A: The prompt instructs Chat GPT to create three thumbnails, increasing the chances of finding one that matches your video's description.

Q: Can I edit the video after it is generated?

A: Yes, you can make adjustments and edits to the video using Envidio, the video editing platform integrated with

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