March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Create a Movie Trailer Using Free AI Tools

Are you looking to create a movie trailer but don't have the budget for expensive software or equipment? Look no further than free AI tools! In this article, we'll show you step-by-step how to use AI to generate a script, voiceover, images, and even music for your trailer.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Generating the Script with Chat GPT

3. Generating the Voiceover with 11 Labs

4. Generating the Images with Stable Diffusion and PECollapse

5. Putting it All Together with Video Editing Software

6. Generating the Music with Google Music LM and Pixabay

7. Conclusion

Generating the Script with Chat GPT

The first step in creating your movie trailer is to generate a script. To do this, we'll be using Chat GPT, a free AI tool. Simply ask Chat GPT to generate a descriptive word length movie trailer about your idea, and it will provide you with a script for each trailer scene, including an image prompt and voiceover.

For example, if you want to create a trailer about a space exploration journey to a planet that already has humans living on it, you would ask Chat GPT for an intense 20-second movie trailer about this idea. Once you have your script, you can move on to the next step.

Generating the Voiceover with 11 Labs

Now that you have your script, it's time to generate the voiceover. For this, we'll be using 11 Labs, another free AI tool. First, select the perfect voice for your trailer from the many options available. Then, paste your script into 11 Labs and generate the voiceover.

You may need to repeat this process for each voiceover in your script. Once you have all your voiceovers, simply download them to your computer.

Generating the Images with Stable Diffusion and PECollapse

Next, we need to generate the images for our trailer. To do this, we'll be using Stable Diffusion and PECollapse, both free AI tools. First, ask Stable Diffusion to generate an image prompt for each scene in your script. Then, use PECollapse to turn these prompts into full-blown videos.

You may need to generate your images and videos a few times before you get the ones you want, but the results can be impressive. Once you have all your images and videos, download them to your computer.

Putting it All Together with Video Editing Software

Now that you have your script, voiceovers, images, and videos, it's time to put them all together into a cohesive trailer. For this, you'll need video editing software. Import all your media into the software and arrange them according to your script.

You may need to add transitions, effects, and other elements to make your trailer look professional. Once you're happy with your trailer, export it and share it with the world.

Generating the Music with Google Music LM and Pixabay

No movie trailer is complete without music. To generate the perfect soundtrack for your trailer, we'll be using Google Music LM and Pixabay, both free AI tools. Simply ask Google Music LM to generate music that fits your trailer's mood and style.

If you can't find the perfect track, you can cheat and use copyright-free music from Pixabay. Once you have your music, add it to your trailer using your video editing software.


Creating a movie trailer using free AI tools is easier than you might think. With Chat GPT, 11 Labs, Stable Diffusion, PECollapse, Google Music LM, and Pixabay, you have everything you need to create a professional-looking trailer without breaking the bank. So what are you waiting for? Start creating your own trailer today!


- Free AI tools can be used to create a movie trailer

- Chat GPT can generate a script for each trailer scene

- 11 Labs can generate voiceovers for your trailer

- Stable Diffusion and PECollapse can generate images and videos for your trailer

- Video editing software can be used to put everything together

- Google Music LM and Pixabay can be used to generate music for your trailer


Q: Can I use these tools for other types of videos besides movie trailers?

A: Yes, these tools can be used for any type of video you want to create.

Q: Do I need any special skills to use these tools?

A: No, these tools are designed to be user-friendly and easy to use.

Q: Are there any limitations to what these tools can do?

A: While these tools are powerful, they are not perfect. You may need to generate your images and videos a few times before you get the ones you want.

Q: Can I use copyrighted music in my trailer?

A: No, you should always use copyright-free music in your trailer to avoid legal issues.


- Chat GPT:

- 11 Labs:

- Stable Diffusion:

- PECollapse:

- Google Music LM:

- Pixabay:

- End -
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