How to INSTANTLY make 100's of Mockups

How to INSTANTLY make 100's of Mockups

March 27, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. The Problem with Making Product Mockups

3. The Solution: Real-Time Mockup Creation with Figma

4. Finding the Best Mockups for Your Designs

5. Creating Your Designs in Figma

6. Using Components to Create Mockups

7. Customizing and Exporting Your Mockups

8. The Benefits of Using Real-Time Mockup Creation

9. Pros and Cons of Real-Time Mockup Creation

10. Conclusion

**Real-Time Mockup Creation: Designing and Mocking Up Products Simultaneously**


Have you ever wished you could instantly create a mockup for the product you're designing as you design it? In the past, making product mockups used to be a time-consuming task that took away valuable hours from the design process. But now, there's a solution that allows you to make mockups in real time, saving you precious time and effort. In this article, we'll explore how you can set up real-time mockup creation using Figma, a free and user-friendly design tool. Say goodbye to the hassle of creating mockups separately and embrace the efficiency of designing and mocking up products simultaneously.

The Problem with Making Product Mockups:

Designing thousands of products over the years has been a lucrative endeavor, but creating mockups for these products has always been a sticking point. It's a time-consuming process that can drain your productivity. While there are tools like Photoshop mockup scripts that offer faster mockup creation, they often come with limitations and may not be suitable for all types of designs. Additionally, relying on pre-made mockups can limit your creativity and hinder your chances of making sales. So, what's the solution?

The Solution: Real-Time Mockup Creation with Figma:

To overcome the challenges of traditional mockup creation, we'll utilize Figma, a powerful design tool that allows you to create and mock up designs simultaneously. Figma is a free program that offers a seamless experience for all things print on demand. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, Figma provides the perfect platform to bring your designs to life. By using custom mockups that you can purchase online, you're not limited to generic mockups that fail to attract customers. Let's dive into the step-by-step process of setting up real-time mockup creation with Figma.

Finding the Best Mockups for Your Designs:

Before we delve into the technical aspects of real-time mockup creation, it's crucial to find the best mockups for your designs. To do this, we'll look at the product listings that are already successful on the platform where you plan to sell your products. For example, if you're starting on Etsy, explore the mockups used by top-selling listings in your niche. By leveraging proven mockups, you increase the likelihood of your designs being successful as well. Look for mockups that are frequently reused by successful shops, as this indicates their effectiveness in generating sales.

Creating Your Designs in Figma:

Once you have your Figma account set up, it's time to start creating your designs. Figma offers a wide range of design elements and fonts to unleash your creativity. If you're new to design, don't worry! Figma's intuitive interface makes it easy to create professional-looking designs. In this example, we'll create a simple "I love my dog" shirt design using the Cooper font and a dog graphic. Remember to keep your design engaging and relevant to your target audience.

Using Components to Create Mockups:

Now comes the exciting part – integrating your designs with mockups in real time. After creating your design, select all the elements, including graphics and text, and click the "Create Component" button in Figma. This action turns your design into a reusable component. You can then switch to the mockups page and paste your design onto the mockup files you downloaded earlier. Adjust the size and position of your design to fit each mockup perfectly. Figma's flexibility allows you to experiment with different mockups effortlessly.

Customizing and Exporting Your Mockups:

With your designs placed on the mockups, it's time to customize and export them. Figma enables you to make any necessary adjustments, such as changing colors or scaling elements, directly on the mockups page. These modifications won't affect the original design, ensuring flexibility and ease of use. Once you're satisfied with the mockups, group each mockup with its corresponding design component. This grouping simplifies the exporting process. You can export individual mockups or export them all together, depending on your needs.

The Benefits of Using Real-Time Mockup Creation:

Real-time mockup creation offers numerous benefits for designers and entrepreneurs alike. Firstly, it saves you a significant amount of time by eliminating the need to create mockups separately. This time-saving feature allows you to focus more on the design process and iterate quickly. Secondly, real-time mockup creation enhances your creativity and enables you to experiment with different mockups effortlessly. By using custom mockups, you can showcase your designs in a way that resonates with your target audience, increasing the chances of making sales.

Pros and Cons of Real-Time Mockup Creation:

Like any tool or technique, real-time mockup creation has its pros and cons. Let's explore them briefly:


- Time-saving: Designing and mocking up products simultaneously saves valuable time.

- Enhanced creativity: Real-time mockup creation allows for easy experimentation with different mockups.

- Increased sales potential: Custom mockups tailored to your designs can attract more customers and boost sales.


- Limitations with complex designs: Real-time mockup creation works best for designs that can be displayed flat. Complex wraparound designs may require alternative methods.

- Cost of purchasing mockups: While custom mockups offer better results, they come at a cost. Consider your budget when selecting mockups.


Real-time mockup creation with Figma revolutionizes the way designers and entrepreneurs bring their product ideas to life. By seamlessly integrating design and mockup creation, you can save time, enhance creativity, and increase your chances of making sales. Figma's user-friendly interface and extensive customization options make it the ideal tool for all your print-on-demand needs. Embrace the power of real-time mockup creation and unlock your full design potential.


- Real-time mockup creation with Figma allows designers to create and mock up products simultaneously, saving valuable time.

- Finding the best mockups for your designs involves researching successful product listings in

- End -
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