How to get whatever you want every time.

How to get whatever you want every time.

March 20, 2024
Author: Big Y

πŸš€ How to Consistently Overachieve and Rise to the Top in Life

Have you ever met those people who just seem to be good at everything they do? They touch something, and it turns to gold. They play a sport, and they're the best player on the team. They show up to math class, and they ace the test. It's pretty rare to come across such individuals, but they do exist. I've always been fascinated by what allows these people to consistently overachieve and be better than everyone else at everything they do. After analyzing many such people, I've come to realize that there are a few things that set them apart from everyone else. In this article, I'll share with you what I've learned about how to consistently rise to a very high level in whatever it is that you do.

🧐 Table of Contents

- Delusional Confidence

- Visualization and Manifestation

- The Importance of Process Visualization

- What Not to Do

- The Power of Habits

- The Importance of Hard Work and Discipline

- The Journey is the Destination

- The Importance of Letting Go of the Outcome

- The Importance of Enjoying the Process

- The Importance of Building Relationships

- The Importance of Focusing on Yourself

- The Importance of Loving Every Minute of the Journey

πŸ€” Delusional Confidence

The first thing that sets high achievers apart from everyone else is delusional confidence. This is a mindset that allows them to believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, regardless of how difficult it may seem. Delusional confidence is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Some people are born with it, while others have to work hard to develop it.

I had a teammate on my soccer team growing up who had this mindset. He was a striker and would always score all the goals. Regardless of what team he was on or where he went, he would always be the top guy. What was interesting about him was that he was just like everyone else. He probably trained the same amount as everyone else, and he didn't have anything different. But the more I analyzed how he was able to do this, the more I realized that it was just because he had this mindset. When you talked to him, he was like, "Yeah, I'm going to score. It's done." He literally visualized himself scoring before games, but he did this subconsciously. It wasn't like he was looking up on YouTube how to manifest becoming a better player. He was just always had this mindset of, "I'm going to score," and that's the way it is. He was just so delusional in it, and yeah, sometimes it didn't work out. There were times where he didn't score, and there were times where he had a horrible game. But more often than not, that mindset is what carried him through and manifested itself into his reality for every game.

🎯 Visualization and Manifestation

Visualization and manifestation are two other key components that set high achievers apart from everyone else. Visualization is the act of creating a mental image of something you want to achieve. Manifestation is the process of turning that mental image into a reality. Visualization is one of the most important or key aspects of manifestation. But this isn't just visualization of, "I imagine myself being a multimillionaire living in an amazing villa three years from now." Of course, you have that visualization if you have a goal. You should already have a visualization and a dream of where you want to be. You should be thinking about it regularly, and that's kind of a given.

What I've learned about visualization is that it isn't just about visualizing your end goal or your dream results because if it was, then anyone who had a goal or some kind of future plan in mind would achieve it, and that's simply not the case. What I found of visualization is most effective is actually process visualization. You're not really thinking about the end outcome. You're kind of leaving that up to God and up to reality and how things end up working out for you. But you're visualizing the act of you showing up every single day and taking action to get you to where you need to be.

🚫 What Not to Do

Chances are, you already know what you need to do to achieve your goals. But what's really stopping you? It's your bad habits. Drinking, smoking, doing drugs, watching entertainment, playing video games - all of these things are designed to give you dopamine and suck you into doing them over and over again, taking time away from your life.

πŸ’ͺ The Power of Habits

The power of habits cannot be overstated. If you can cut out your bad habits for a set amount of time, you will literally see so much progress, and you'll become that person that's just so good at everything.

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ The Importance of Hard Work and Discipline

Of course, you still want to have that goal and that end result in mind. You just don't stress it too much, and you let go of exactly when it needs to happen or how it needs to happen. The most successful people in the world are those who wake up every single day and put in the work.

🏞️ The Journey is the Destination

The journey is the destination. Enjoy and fall in love with the process of building that relationship, building those connections.

🀝 The Importance of Building Relationships

The importance of building relationships cannot be overstated. Enjoy the process of building that relationship and nurturing and spending time with that person.

πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ The Importance of Focusing on Yourself

Focus on yourself and having an amazing relationship.

πŸŽ‰ The Importance of Loving Every Minute of the Journey

Love every minute of the journey.

🌐 Resources

- Joe Dispenza's books

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ FAQ

Q: What is delusional confidence?

A: Delusional confidence is a mindset that allows high achievers to believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds to, regardless

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