How to Find Amazon Products FAST

How to Find Amazon Products FAST

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Revealing the Strategies to Sell Over $3 Million on Amazon in Your Early 20s

Are you looking to start your own Amazon business but don't know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will reveal the strategies that have helped us sell over $3 million on Amazon in our early 20s. We will show you how to find profitable products, identify good products, and what to do with them after you find them.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Finding Products

3. Identifying Good Products

4. What to Do with Good Products

5. Using Seller Amp and Keepa

6. Reverse Sourcing

7. Seasonality

8. Manual Sourcing

9. Conclusion

10. Resources


Starting an Amazon business can be overwhelming, especially if you don't know where to start. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can be successful in no time. In this article, we will guide you through the process of finding profitable products, identifying good products, and what to do with them after you find them.

Finding Products

The first step in starting your Amazon business is finding profitable products. One of the biggest things to remember is that almost none of them will be good if you're buying them at retail price. You need to buy them at wholesale with really good coupons.

To find products, start by looking for products on Amazon that are being sold by third-party sellers and are a brand that you know you can sell. For example, Puma is a good brand to look for.

Identifying Good Products

Once you have found potential products, the next step is to identify good products. One way to do this is to use the Seller Amp and Keepa tools. These tools will help you see what the sellers on the listings are actually selling.

For example, on Seller Amp, you can open up a seller's storefront and see what products they are selling. You can then reverse engineer where they are getting their products from.

What to Do with Good Products

After you have identified good products, the next step is to decide what to do with them. One option is to ship the products to yourself and then Merchant fulfill them. This means that you list the product and then ship it directly to the customer.

Another option is to ship the products to a prep center who will receive the inventory for you. This is a good option if you are a brand new seller.

Using Seller Amp and Keepa

Seller Amp and Keepa are two essential tools that you need to get set up on Amazon. These are the only two tools that you need to use in your Amazon business.

Seller Amp will help you see what the sellers on the listings are actually selling. Keepa will allow you to check out the variations of the products and see the price over time.

Reverse Sourcing

Reverse sourcing is a powerful tool that can help you find profitable products. It involves looking at the products that other Amazon sellers are already selling and using it as a launching point for other colors and other types of items.


Seasonality is an important factor to consider when sourcing products. For example, during the holiday season, demand for certain products may increase, causing the price to rise.

Manual Sourcing

Manual sourcing involves jumping straight into a product listing and trying to see if that product sells on Amazon. This is a more advanced technique that requires a lot of experience.


Starting an Amazon business can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies and tools, you can be successful in no time. Use the strategies and tools outlined in this article to find profitable products, identify good products, and what to do with them after you find them.


- Seller Amp

- Keepa

- Rays

- Card Bear

- End -
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