How to Create a High-Touch Customer Experience

How to Create a High-Touch Customer Experience

April 4, 2024
Author: Big Y

🎓 The Importance of High-Touch Customer Experience in Small Schools

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it's easy to forget the importance of human connection. This is especially true in the realm of marketing and advertising, where automation and digital tools have become the norm. However, for small schools that can't compete with larger institutions on budget, a high-touch customer experience can be a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore what high-touch customer experience means, why it's important, and how small schools can leverage it to set themselves apart.

📝 Table of Contents

- What is High-Touch Customer Experience?

- Why is High-Touch Customer Experience Important?

- How Small Schools Can Leverage High-Touch Customer Experience

- Handwritten Notes and Peer-to-Peer Communication

- Personalized Videos from the Head of School

- Responsive Phone Calls and Emails

- Creating a Sense of Community

- Pros and Cons of High-Touch Customer Experience


- Resources

What is High-Touch Customer Experience?

High-touch customer experience refers to a personalized, human-centered approach to customer service. It's about creating a connection with customers and making them feel valued and heard. In the context of small schools, high-touch customer experience means going above and beyond to make prospective families feel welcome and supported throughout the admissions process.

Why is High-Touch Customer Experience Important?

In a world where digital advertising and automation are king, high-touch customer experience can be a powerful differentiator for small schools. By creating a personalized, human-centered experience for prospective families, small schools can set themselves apart from larger institutions that rely on their marketing budgets to attract students. High-touch customer experience can also help build a sense of community and belonging, which is especially important for families who are considering a new school.

How Small Schools Can Leverage High-Touch Customer Experience

There are several ways that small schools can leverage high-touch customer experience to set themselves apart:

Handwritten Notes and Peer-to-Peer Communication

One way to create a personal connection with prospective families is through handwritten notes and peer-to-peer communication. This can include personalized notes from current students or parents, as well as phone calls or emails from teachers or staff members.

Personalized Videos from the Head of School

Another way to create a personal connection is through personalized videos from the head of school. These videos can be sent to prospective families throughout the admissions process and can help them feel more connected to the school community.

Responsive Phone Calls and Emails

Being responsive to phone calls and emails is another important aspect of high-touch customer experience. Prospective families should feel like their questions and concerns are being heard and addressed in a timely manner.

Creating a Sense of Community

Finally, creating a sense of community is key to high-touch customer experience. This can include inviting prospective families to school events, connecting them with current families, and providing opportunities for them to get to know the school community.

Pros and Cons of High-Touch Customer Experience


- Creates a personal connection with prospective families

- Sets small schools apart from larger institutions

- Builds a sense of community and belonging


- Can be time-consuming and resource-intensive

- May not be scalable for larger schools


Q: What is high-touch customer experience?

A: High-touch customer experience refers to a personalized, human-centered approach to customer service.

Q: Why is high-touch customer experience important for small schools?

A: High-touch customer experience can be a powerful differentiator for small schools that can't compete with larger institutions on budget. It can also help build a sense of community and belonging.

Q: How can small schools leverage high-touch customer experience?

A: Small schools can leverage high-touch customer experience through handwritten notes, personalized videos from the head of school, responsive phone calls and emails, and creating a sense of community.


- [Easy School Marketing](

- [ AI Chatbot](

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