How To Change Background Color In Canva (Canva Tutorial)

How To Change Background Color In Canva (Canva Tutorial)

March 27, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Changing the Background Color in Canva

1. Selecting the Canvas

2. Accessing the Color Options

3. Adding a New Color

4. Using Brand Kit Colors

5. Exploring Default Colors

6. Trying Gradients

7. Adding a Solid Color

8. Using Hex Codes

9. Picking Colors from Images

10. Using the Color Tool

3. Conclusion

**Changing the Background Color in Canva**

Canva is a popular graphic design tool that allows users to create stunning designs with ease. One of the key features of Canva is the ability to change the background color of your designs. In this article, we will explore the various methods to change the background color in Canva, regardless of the design you are working on.

**1. Selecting the Canvas**

To begin, you need to select the canvas or artboard of your design. By clicking on the canvas, the entire design will be selected, and you can proceed to change the background color.

**2. Accessing the Color Options**

Once you have selected the canvas, you will notice a color wheel at the top of the screen. Hovering over it will reveal the "Background Color" option. Click on it to access a wide range of color options.

**3. Adding a New Color**

Canva allows you to add new colors to your palette. You can either choose from the default color options or create a custom color. This feature is particularly useful if you have specific brand colors that you want to incorporate into your design.

**4. Using Brand Kit Colors**

If you have already set up a brand kit in Canva, you can easily access your brand colors while changing the background color. This ensures consistency with your brand identity across all designs.

**5. Exploring Default Colors**

Canva provides a variety of default colors that you can choose from. These colors are carefully curated to suit different design styles and preferences. Feel free to explore these options and select the one that best complements your design.

**6. Trying Gradients**

Gradients can add depth and visual interest to your background. Canva offers a selection of pre-defined gradient options that you can experiment with. Choose a gradient that enhances the overall aesthetics of your design.

**7. Adding a Solid Color**

If you prefer a solid color for your background, Canva allows you to select from a range of shades. You can adjust the color variance from light to dark using the color slider. Find the perfect shade that aligns with your design vision.

**8. Using Hex Codes**

For precise color selection, Canva enables you to input hex codes directly. If you have a specific color code in mind, simply enter it, and Canva will apply the exact color to your background.

**9. Picking Colors from Images**

If you have an image or graphic design that inspires you, Canva lets you extract colors from it. Upload the image to your design, and then use the color tool to pick the desired color from the image. This feature allows you to create harmonious color schemes effortlessly.

**10. Using the Color Tool**

The color tool in Canva is a versatile feature that allows you to pick colors from anywhere on your screen. Whether it's a color from another design element or a color on a webpage, the color tool can capture it accurately.

By following these steps, you can easily change the background color in Canva and customize your designs to suit your preferences and brand identity.


Canva provides a user-friendly interface with a wide range of options for changing the background color of your designs. Whether you prefer solid colors, gradients, or want to incorporate your brand colors, Canva has you covered. Experiment with different color combinations and unleash your creativity to create visually stunning designs.



- Canva offers a variety of options to change the background color of your designs.

- You can choose from default colors, gradients, or even create custom colors.

- Canva allows you to pick colors from images or use hex codes for precise color selection.

- The color tool in Canva enables you to capture colors from anywhere on your screen.

- With Canva, you can easily customize your designs to align with your brand identity.



**Q: Can I change the background color of my existing designs in Canva?**

A: Yes, you can change the background color of any design in Canva by following the steps mentioned in this article.

**Q: How do I access the color options in Canva?**

A: After selecting the canvas, you can find the color options by hovering over the color wheel at the top of the screen.

**Q: Can I use my brand colors in Canva?**

A: Absolutely! Canva allows you to access your brand kit colors and incorporate them into your designs seamlessly.

**Q: Can I create gradients for my background in Canva?**

A: Yes, Canva provides pre-defined gradient options that you can apply to your background to add depth and visual interest.

**Q: Is it possible to pick colors from images in Canva?**

A: Yes, you can upload an image to your design and use the color tool to extract colors from it.

**Q: Can I use the color tool to pick colors from other design elements?**

A: Yes, the color tool in Canva allows you to pick colors from anywhere on your screen, including other design elements or webpages.



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