How To Calculate the Price You Should Be Charging for WDF Service w/Dave & Carla Menz S4E62-LM Show

How To Calculate the Price You Should Be Charging for WDF Service w/Dave & Carla Menz S4E62-LM Show

April 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

This is a transcript of a podcast episode by Carl and David, the hosts of The Laundromat Millionaire Show. In this episode, they discuss how to calculate the cost of drop-off laundry and how to set a price that will ensure you make a profit.

They start by explaining that the biggest cost of drop-off laundry is labor. They then go over a number of other factors that can affect the cost, such as credit card fees, utilities, machine maintenance and repairs, and packaging and supplies.

They then provide a formula for calculating the price you need to charge to make a certain profit margin. They also share their own cost breakdown and profit margin for drop-off laundry.

They conclude the episode by encouraging listeners to charge what they need to in order to make a profit, and to reinvest in their businesses and their people.

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