How To Build A Scalable Business In India!

How To Build A Scalable Business In India!

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

**Sarab Singhal: The Indian Entrepreneur Who's Taking Over The Funnel Marketing World**

**On this episode of the Fighting Entrepreneur, I'm joined by **Sarab Singhal**, the co-founder of Flexi Funnels and the upcoming **Funnel Growth Summit** in India. We talk about his journey from selling flyers door-to-door to becoming a successful digital marketer, why he believes India is the next big market for funnels, and what attendees can expect from his upcoming event.**


I started my entrepreneurial journey right after college. I was working with a friend of mine, and we started a business selling coupons. We would go door-to-door and try to sell coupons to people. We actually lost a lot of money on that business, but it was a great learning experience. It taught me the importance of taking action and not being afraid to fail.


That's a great lesson. I think a lot of people are afraid to take action because they're afraid of failing. But if you don't take action, you're never going to succeed.


Exactly. So after that, I started learning about Facebook ads. I realized that this was a skill set that I could use to help other businesses grow. So I started providing Facebook ad services to clients.


That's awesome. So you were able to turn your failure into a successful business.


Yeah, I think that's the key to success. You have to be able to learn from your mistakes and move on.


Absolutely. So what led you to start Flexi Funnels?


I started Flexi Funnels because I saw a need for a better funnel builder in India. All of the existing funnel builders were either too expensive or too complicated. I wanted to create a funnel builder that was affordable and easy to use for everyone.


That's great. I think that's a really important thing to have in a funnel builder.


Yeah, I think so too. I wanted to make it possible for anyone to create a funnel, regardless of their technical skills.


That's awesome. So what can attendees expect from the Funnel Growth Summit?


The Funnel Growth Summit is going to be a two-day event where attendees will learn from some of the best experts in the world of funnel marketing. We'll be covering everything from Facebook ads to copywriting to email marketing. We'll also be having a lot of networking opportunities, so attendees will be able to connect with other entrepreneurs and learn from each other.


That sounds amazing. I'm definitely going to be there.


I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll learn a lot from the event.


I'm sure I will. So what advice do you have for entrepreneurs who are just starting out in India?


My advice for entrepreneurs who are just starting out in India is to just start. Don't overthink it. Just start taking action and learning as you go. The most important thing is to get started and to keep moving forward.


That's great advice. I think a lot of people need to hear that.


I'm glad I could help.


So thank you so much for joining me today, Sarab. It was great talking to you.


Thank you for having me.

- End -
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