How To Blur Backgrounds In Canva (WITH A SHARP FOREGROUND)

How To Blur Backgrounds In Canva (WITH A SHARP FOREGROUND)

March 27, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Creating a Thumbnail with Canva

3. Adjusting and Blurring Images

4. Using Two Copies of an Image

5. Blurring the Background

6. Applying the Background Remover

7. Creating a Sharp Foreground and Blurred Background

8. Creating the Opposite Effect

9. Conclusion

10. Resources


In this article, we will explore how to create stunning thumbnails using Canva, a popular design tool. Thumbnails are essential for attracting attention and enticing viewers to click on your content. We will cover various techniques, including adjusting and blurring images, using two copies of an image, and applying the background remover feature. By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge to create captivating thumbnails that make your content stand out.

Creating a Thumbnail with Canva

Before we dive into the details, let's start by understanding the process of creating a thumbnail using Canva. Canva is a user-friendly design tool that offers a wide range of features and templates to help you create visually appealing graphics.

Adjusting and Blurring Images

One of the key aspects of creating an eye-catching thumbnail is adjusting and blurring images. Canva provides an easy-to-use image editor that allows you to make precise adjustments to your selected images. By using the blur tool, you can create a blurred background while keeping the foreground sharp and in focus.

Using Two Copies of an Image

To achieve the desired effect of a sharp foreground and a blurred background, you will need to work with two copies of the same image. By duplicating the image and applying different adjustments to each copy, you can create a visually appealing contrast between the foreground and the background.

Blurring the Background

To blur the background of an image, you can utilize Canva's blur tool. By adjusting the intensity of the blur, you can control the level of blurriness in the background. This technique is particularly useful when you want to highlight a specific element in the foreground while maintaining a visually pleasing background.

Applying the Background Remover

Canva also offers a background remover feature, which allows you to remove the background from an image entirely. This feature is handy when you want to isolate the foreground and create a sharp image against a transparent background. By using this tool, you can achieve a professional and polished look for your thumbnails.

Creating a Sharp Foreground and Blurred Background

Now, let's put all the techniques together to create a thumbnail with a sharp foreground and a blurred background. By following the steps mentioned earlier, you can combine the adjusted and blurred image with the sharp foreground image to achieve the desired effect. This technique adds depth and visual interest to your thumbnails, making them more engaging for viewers.

Creating the Opposite Effect

In some cases, you may want to blur the foreground and keep the background sharp. This technique can be useful when you want to draw attention to the background or create a sense of depth in your thumbnails. By applying the same principles but reversing the adjustments, you can achieve this effect.


Creating captivating thumbnails is crucial for attracting viewers to your content. By utilizing Canva's image editing tools and following the techniques discussed in this article, you can create visually stunning thumbnails that grab attention and entice viewers to click. Experiment with different adjustments, blurring techniques, and background removal to find the style that best suits your content.


- [Canva]( - Design tool for creating stunning graphics.

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**Q: Can I use Canva for free?**

A: Yes, Canva offers a free version with a wide range of features. However, they also offer a premium subscription with additional benefits and access to more advanced tools.

**Q: Can I upload my own images to Canva?**

A: Absolutely! Canva allows you to upload your own images, which you can then edit, adjust, and incorporate into your designs.

**Q: Is Canva suitable for beginners?**

A: Yes, Canva is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for beginners. The intuitive interface and extensive library of templates and resources make it easy to create professional-looking designs.

**Q: Can I use Canva for purposes other than creating thumbnails?**

A: Definitely! Canva is a versatile design tool that can be used for various purposes, including creating social media graphics, presentations, posters, and more.

**Q: How can I make my thumbnails more engaging?**

A: To make your thumbnails more engaging, consider using vibrant colors, compelling imagery, and clear text. Experiment with different layouts and design elements to create visually appealing thumbnails that capture viewers' attention.

**Q: Can I use Canva on mobile devices?**

A: Yes, Canva offers a mobile app that allows you to create and edit designs on the go. It provides a seamless experience, enabling you to work on your projects from anywhere.

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