How The World's Top Shopify Stores Make Millions (With These 5 Tactics)

How The World's Top Shopify Stores Make Millions (With These 5 Tactics)

March 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

5 Sneaky Tactics to Boost Your Shopify Sales Instantly

Are you struggling to increase sales on your Shopify store? Do you want to know some sneaky and clever tactics to boost your sales instantly? Look no further! In this article, we will reveal five strategies that you can use to grow your sales on Shopify. We will provide specific examples from our own store and show you the tools that you can use to implement them. Let's dive in!

🚀 Sneaky Strategy #1: Provide an Upsell or a Cross-Sell

One of the best ways to increase your sales is to provide an upsell or a cross-sell after someone adds an item to their shopping cart. An upsell is a sales technique in which you suggest an offer to a customer for an additional or more expensive product or service that complements or enhances the item your customer just added to their cart. The goal is to get your customers to spend more money.

There are many different ways to do this, but we will show you two ways that we use upsells in our shop. The first way is to cross-sell related products based on what the customer just added to their shopping cart. As soon as someone adds an item to their cart, we display the top two related products that our own customers have purchased along with that product in the past. This upsell converts in the low double digits.

The second way we sneakily insert an upsell is during checkout. At this point in the process, the customer has already gotten out their credit card and is ready to buy. This is actually one of the best times to get them to insert an additional item into their cart. After all, they pretty much committed to buying something from your store already. We chose related products that were purchased alongside the products in the customer's cart to show, and whenever they click on the add item button, the items are magically inserted to their shopping cart right in checkout.

🚀 Sneaky Strategy #2: Include a Special Offer After the Customer Has Paid

The number one problem with sneaky strategy number one is that it can cause friction for the customer as they are shopping. If you bombard the customer with too many pop-ups as they browse, they may get upset and leave. This is why including a special offer after the customer has paid is the safest way to upsell your customer.

We created an upsell after the fact that bundles a whole bunch of handkerchiefs into one bundle that is heavily discounted to entice the customer to add it to their order after they've already paid for it. This is what the interface looks like when you are creating a post-purchase upsell using zipify. It's got a pre-made landing page template that's really intuitive, and all you do is you just add in your value props, and this becomes the post-purchase upsell so that when someone completes their purchase, they are given this offer of 25% off to just buy something immediately.

🚀 Sneaky Strategy #3: Email Retargeting

One of the highest converting email campaigns that you can run with your online store is the abandoned cart email. Abandoned cart emails are typically sent when a customer adds an item to their cart or begins checkout but doesn't complete the process. Now at this point, a customer has already shown interest in your product and is ready to buy, so any email that reminds them to complete their transaction always converts really well.

The problem, though, is that you may not necessarily have their email when they abandon your shop. In order to get your customer's email without them having to opt-in, you can use a service like retention or lead post. Using various fingerprints on a customer browser or account, these tools can detect that a person is on your site and automatically grab their email without them opting in.

🚀 Sneaky Strategy #4: Run a Challenge

If you find yourself selling a hard-to-stand-out product like apparel or jewelry or water bottles, then one of the best ways to get customers attached to your brand is to run a challenge. A challenge is an activity that encourages customers to engage with your brand in a fun and interactive way. For example, you can run a social media challenge where you ask your customers to share photos or videos of themselves using your products.

The best challenges are ones that have a clear objective. So just for fun, let's say that you run a skincare company that helps people solve their acne problems. A great idea to build a skincare brand would be to run a clear skin challenge where the goal is to have beautiful, flawless skin at the end.

🚀 Sneaky Strategy #5: Run a Group Giveaway

The easiest way to grow an email list fast is by running a group giveaway. First, find other companies with your same audience. For example, our store sells handkerchiefs and linens in the wedding industry, so we might look for wedding florists or wedding dressmakers. The point is to find companies that you don't compete directly with that have the same customer type as you do.

Then, we would all contribute a gift card from our business valued at $200 or more. These offers are then combined into one massive sweepstakes giveaway. All brands then send the sweepstakes email to their entire email list. People enter in their email, you send them special offers from your company, and select a grand prize winner. Then after the contest is over, all brands get to keep the entire email list.

Using all these strategies, One Click Upsells by Zipify has increased sales by $143,000 last month, and the typical average order value is only $60. But post-purchase upsells boosted this to $73.46, and pre-purchase upsells boosted this to $81.42. This is free money!

Pros and Cons


- Increase sales instantly

- Easy to implement

- Can be personalized to your store

- Can be automated


- May cause friction for the customer if not implemented correctly

- May require additional tools or software


- Provide an upsell or a cross-sell

- Include a special offer after the customer has paid

- Email retargeting

- Run a challenge

- Run a group giveaway


Q: What is an upsell?

A: An upsell is a sales technique in which you suggest an offer to a customer for an additional or more expensive product or service that complements or enhances the item your customer just added to their cart.

Q: What is email retargeting?

A: Email retargeting is a marketing strategy that involves sending targeted emails to customers who have shown interest in your product but haven't completed the purchase process.

Q: What is a challenge?

A: A challenge is an activity that encourages customers to engage with your brand in a fun and interactive way.

Q: What is a group giveaway?

A: A group giveaway is a marketing strategy that involves partnering with other companies to offer a combined prize to customers in exchange for their email address.


- One Click Upsells by Zipify:

- Retention:

- Lead Post:

- Zipify Pages:

- Viral Sweep:

- Gleam:

- End -
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