How the 'Big Sellers' Prevent Account & Product Suspensions (Amazon FBA Seller Central)

How the 'Big Sellers' Prevent Account & Product Suspensions (Amazon FBA Seller Central)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

How Big Amazon Sellers Prevent Account Suspension and Product Takedowns

As an Amazon seller, you may have heard horror stories about accounts being suspended and products being taken down. This can be a nightmare for any seller, especially those with millions of dollars on the line and hundreds of products to manage. So, what are the big sellers doing right? How are they preventing their accounts from being suspended and their products from being taken down? In this article, we will explore the metrics and actions that big Amazon sellers use to prevent account suspension and product takedowns.

📊 Metrics Used by Big Amazon Sellers

Order Defect Rate (ODR)

The ODR is the percentage of orders that have received negative feedback, an A-to-Z claim, or a credit card chargeback. Big sellers aim to keep their ODR under 1%, as anything over 1% could put their account at risk for deactivation or suspension. To prevent this, big sellers actively work on checking their ODR weekly and addressing any complaints or issues that may arise.

Customer Service Performance

Big sellers also monitor their customer service performance metrics, such as negative feedback, A-to-Z guarantee claims, and chargeback claims. They actively work on addressing any complaints or issues to prevent their products from being taken down.

Policy Compliance

Big sellers also monitor their policy compliance metrics, such as account health rating, suspected and received intellectual property violations, product authenticity, customer complaints, product condition, food product safety issues, listing policy and violations, and warnings. They address any violations or warnings to prevent their account from being taken down.

Shipping Performance

For sellers who use FBM (fulfilled by merchant), shipping performance is also a crucial metric to monitor. Late shipments, cancellations, and invalid tracking codes can put a seller's account at risk for deactivation or suspension.

Voice of Customer

Big sellers also monitor their Voice of Customer metrics, which include customer reviews, seller feedback, and performance notifications. They use this data to address any complaints or issues proactively and prevent their products from being taken down.

🚀 Actions Taken by Big Amazon Sellers

Being Proactive

Big sellers are proactive in addressing any complaints or issues that may arise. They actively monitor their metrics and take action to prevent their account from being suspended or their products from being taken down.

Changing Their Listing

Big sellers also make changes to their listing to address any complaints or issues. They may change their photos, adjust their product descriptions, or make changes at the manufacturer level to ensure their products are in compliance with Amazon's policies.

Responding to Customers

Big sellers also respond to customers to address any complaints or issues. They use buyer-seller messages to communicate with customers and address any concerns or issues proactively.

Using Services

Big sellers often use services, such as Appeal Wizards, to help them manage their account and prevent account suspension and product takedowns. These services monitor their metrics, respond to customers, and make changes to their listing to ensure compliance with Amazon's policies.

🤔 Pros and Cons


- Prevents account suspension and product takedowns

- Helps sellers address complaints and issues proactively

- Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty

- Increases sales and revenue


- Can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort

- May require additional resources, such as hiring a service or team

- May require changes to the product or listing, which can be costly

🌟 Highlights

- Big Amazon sellers use metrics, such as ODR, customer service performance, policy compliance, shipping performance, and Voice of Customer, to prevent account suspension and product takedowns.

- Big Amazon sellers take proactive actions, such as changing their listing, responding to customers, and using services, to prevent account suspension and product takedowns.

- Services, such as Appeal Wizards, can help sellers manage their account and prevent account suspension and product takedowns.


Q: What is ODR?

A: ODR stands for Order Defect Rate, which is the percentage of orders that have received negative feedback, an A-to-Z claim, or a credit card chargeback.

Q: What is Voice of Customer?

A: Voice of Customer is a metric that includes customer reviews, seller feedback, and performance notifications. It is used to address any complaints or issues proactively and prevent products from being taken down.

Q: What is Appeal Wizards?

A: Appeal Wizards is a service that helps Amazon sellers manage their account and prevent account suspension and product takedowns. They monitor metrics, respond to customers, and make changes to the listing to ensure compliance with Amazon's policies.

Q: How can I prevent my account from being suspended?

A: You can prevent your account from being suspended by monitoring your metrics, addressing any complaints or issues proactively, and making changes to your listing to ensure compliance with Amazon's policies. You can also use services, such as Appeal Wizards, to help you manage your account.

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