How I Made $17K Profit My First Full Month Dropshipping.

How I Made $17K Profit My First Full Month Dropshipping.

March 21, 2024
Author: Big Y

Becoming a Successful Online Entrepreneur: My Journey to Seven Figures

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hey there! Are you tired of the 9 to 5 grind and dreaming of a laptop lifestyle? Do you want to learn how to become a successful online entrepreneur? Well, you're in luck because I'm here to share my journey to seven figures and give you some tips on how to achieve your own success.

Table of Contents

- Childhood Entrepreneurial Spirit

- College Years and Early Success

- Discovering Drop Shipping

- The Replica AirPods Disaster

- Finding Success in the Beauty Tools Niche

- The Importance of Creating an Irresistible Offer

- The Power of Marketing Angles

- Don't Give Up: Consistency is Key

Childhood Entrepreneurial Spirit

From a young age, I had an entrepreneurial spirit. In grade school, I sold duct tape wallets on the playground and hosted multiple soda and snack stands on the side of the road. These experiences gave me a taste of what it's like to run your own business and taught me that the effort you put in is directly related to what you get out of it.

College Years and Early Success

In college, I studied supply chain and business sustainability while working internships on the side. My fiancรฉ and I started buying and reselling clothes on Poshmark, Mercari, and eBay, generating over $80,000 in a little over a year. This experience opened my eyes to the potential of selling things online and the size of the market.

Discovering Drop Shipping

After graduating college and accepting a job offer as a supply chain analyst, I knew I didn't want to work a 9 to 5 for the rest of my life. That's when I discovered Drop Shipping on YouTube and saw that many young people were making a ton of money online through e-commerce. I decided to start my own store on the side, but quickly realized there was much more to it than I initially thought.

The Replica AirPods Disaster

My first store was around replica AirPods, which turned out to be a terrible idea. I received a cease and desist letter from Apple and had to take down my website completely. I was disappointed, but I didn't give up.

Finding Success in the Beauty Tools Niche

I created my second store in the beauty tools niche, selling jade rollers. I optimized my website and started using paid traffic through Facebook and Instagram ads. It took a lot of testing and tweaking, but I finally found success by creating an irresistible offer and using effective marketing angles.

The Importance of Creating an Irresistible Offer

Creating an offer that is too good to pass up is crucial in e-commerce. I lowered the price of my product lower than Amazon's and made most of my money on upsells. I also learned the importance of studying marketing angles and using them to resonate with your audience and paint the picture of why they need your product.

The Power of Marketing Angles

Marketing angles are a powerful tool in e-commerce. By doing market research and coming up with an angle that shows the pain, agitates it, and then provides a solution, you can increase your conversion rates and find success.

Don't Give Up: Consistency is Key

The most important lesson I learned is to never give up. Stay consistent, AB test, and learn high-income skills like marketing angles. With hard work and determination, you can achieve your own success as an online entrepreneur.


- Childhood entrepreneurial spirit led to early experiences in running a business.

- Early success in buying and reselling clothes online opened my eyes to the potential of e-commerce.

- Discovering Drop Shipping on YouTube led me to start my own store on the side.

- The replica AirPods disaster taught me the importance of perseverance.

- Finding success in the beauty tools niche required creating an irresistible offer and using effective marketing angles.

- Marketing angles are a powerful tool in e-commerce.

- Consistency and learning high-income skills are key to achieving success as an online entrepreneur.


Q: What is Drop Shipping?

A: Drop Shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.

Q: How do you create an irresistible offer?

A: To create an irresistible offer, you need to lower the price of your product lower than your competitors and make most of your money on upsells. You also need to study marketing angles and use them to resonate with your audience and paint the picture of why they need your product.

Q: What are marketing angles?

A: Marketing angles are a way to show the pain your audience is experiencing, agitate it, and then provide a solution. By doing market research and coming up with an angle that resonates with your audience, you can increase your conversion rates and find success in e-commerce.


- Poshmark:

- Mercari:

- eBay:

- Shopify:

- AliExpress:

- Facebook Ads:

- Instagram Ads:

- Last Chance:

- End -
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