How I built a $15K/month Amazon FBA business (Steps to success)

How I built a $15K/month Amazon FBA business (Steps to success)

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

How I Quit My Nine to Five and Became an Amazon Seller

Are you tired of the daily grind of a nine to five job? Do you dream of being your own boss and making a comfortable living from the comfort of your own home? If so, then becoming an Amazon seller might be the perfect opportunity for you. In this article, I will share my personal journey of how I quit my nine to five job and became an Amazon seller, making over fifteen thousand dollars in profit per month.

The Journey to Success

First and foremost, it's important to understand that becoming an Amazon seller is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and dedication to achieve success. My journey to success didn't happen overnight. It took me months to learn about Amazon FBA and launch my product successfully.

Getting Started

The first thing you need to know is that you don't need any business experience to become an Amazon seller. You don't need any qualifications or technical skills either. All you need is the desire to succeed and the willingness to learn.

To get started, you need to sign up for a seller account on Amazon. When you sign up, you will need to provide some important documents, such as a driver's license or identification, a bank statement, and a business license (if you have one). Amazon will verify your identity by sending you a postcard and setting up a call with you in two weeks to make sure that you are who you say you are.

Product Research

The most important part of the process is product research. This is where you will find a winning product that will make you money. Before you create your Helium 10 account, you need to think about three niches that you are interested in. This will make the process more efficient and less overwhelming.

Once you have created your Helium 10 account, you can start using the Blackbox tool to find product opportunities. You will need to select your categories, monthly revenue, review count, and other criteria. Once you have found a product that meets your criteria, you need to differentiate it from the competition. This means finding ways to add value to the product and solve customer pain points.

Ordering Samples and Negotiating Prices

Once you have found a winning product, you need to order samples from a supplier on You should contact at least eight suppliers and negotiate the prices down. Once you have narrowed down to three suppliers with the best price, you should order samples from each of them.

When you receive the samples, you should test the quality and make sure that you are happy with it. If you are, you can place a bulk order with the supplier. During this lead time, you should focus on branding, logo design, packaging design, UPC code, and keyword research.

Launching Your Product

Once your product is ready, you need to focus on launching it successfully. This means getting those initial reviews and ranking your product to the first page. You should also focus on building a brand and launching your second, third, and fourth products.

Pros and Cons


- You can work from home and be your own boss

- You can make a comfortable living

- You don't need any business experience or technical skills

- You can build a long-term sustainable brand


- It takes time, effort, and dedication to achieve success

- There is a lot of competition on Amazon

- You need to differentiate your product to succeed


- Becoming an Amazon seller is not a get-rich-quick scheme

- Product research is the most important part of the process

- You need to differentiate your product to succeed

- Building a brand is important for long-term success


Q: Do I need any business experience to become an Amazon seller?

A: No, you don't need any business experience to become an Amazon seller.

Q: How long does it take to achieve success as an Amazon seller?

A: It takes time, effort, and dedication to achieve success as an Amazon seller.

Q: Is there a lot of competition on Amazon?

A: Yes, there is a lot of competition on Amazon.

Q: How do I differentiate my product from the competition?

A: You can differentiate your product by adding value and solving customer pain points.

Q: Is it important to build a brand as an Amazon seller?

A: Yes, building a brand is important for long-term success as an Amazon seller.


- Amazon FBA:

- Helium 10:


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