How I'd Make £10,000/month on Amazon FBA: 7 Steps from Scratch

How I'd Make £10,000/month on Amazon FBA: 7 Steps from Scratch

March 12, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Step 1: Saving up £1,000

3. Step 2: Creating your Sell Central account

4. Step 3: Finding a profitable product

5. Step 4: Sourcing a reliable supplier

6. Step 5: Ordering your test batch

7. Step 6: Shipping your product to Amazon

8. Step 7: Scaling with larger batches

9. How to make £10,000 a month on Amazon FBA

10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the seven simple steps to making £10,000 a month on Amazon FBA. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to scale your existing business, these steps will guide you towards success. We'll cover everything from saving up the initial capital to finding profitable products, sourcing reliable suppliers, and scaling your business for maximum profits. So let's dive in and discover how you can achieve financial success on Amazon FBA!

Step 1: Saving up £1,000

Before diving into the world of Amazon FBA, it's important to have some initial capital. We recommend saving up at least £1,000 to show your commitment and seriousness towards your Amazon business. This amount will allow you to invest in products and cover any initial expenses that may arise. If you currently have less than £1,000, we suggest either getting a job to save up or using your existing job to accumulate the necessary funds.

Step 2: Creating your Sell Central account

Once you have saved up £1,000, it's time to create your Sell Central account. The process differs depending on your location. If you're in the UK, visit For the US, go to, and for Canada, it's Regardless of your location, you'll find the appropriate domain for your country. Creating your Sell Central account is essential as it serves as the foundation for your Amazon FBA business.

Step 3: Finding a profitable product

When it comes to selling on Amazon, there are three types of products you can consider: arbitrage products, wholesale products, and private

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