Here's WHY this type of AI AVATARS can go Viral

Here's WHY this type of AI AVATARS can go Viral

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

🤖 How to Create Your Own AI Avatar and Make Money on TikTok

Are you ready to take your TikTok game to the next level? Look no further than AI avatars. These digital creations are taking the platform by storm, with some 17-year-olds earning over $10,000 a month using this method. In this article, we'll show you how to create your very own AI avatar and use it to make money on TikTok with a unique strategy. And the best part? You don't need to be an expert to make it happen.

Step 1: Create Your AI Avatar

To start, you'll need to create your AI avatar. The well-known tool for this is Mid-Journey, but we'll use its free alternative. It has a vast library of AI-generated art that you can search here. But to make our own AI art, simply click "generate," which brings you here. Now, place this exact prompt:


[Music] [Music]


And upload your own picture that you want your avatar to resemble. Click "generate," and the results are decent. But if you prefer a younger avatar, adjust the settings until you're satisfied.

Step 2: Research Your Niche

Many people are using these AI avatars in viral quote videos. If you want, you can give that a try too. However, we've noticed that this niche is quite saturated. So, we decided to do some research. We discovered that news content is performing really well on TikTok and Instagram. And we will take it one step further with AI news anchors, which might become the new trend.

You should choose a topic you're knowledgeable or passionate about. Take a look at this TikTok account. It's relatively new, yet it has managed to gather a significant number of views and followers in a short time, all by sharing crypto news content. We also found an Instagram account doing the exact same thing. Surprisingly, both of these accounts are now earning an estimated $5,000 per month with ease.

Step 3: Find Reliable News Sources

In this step, you'll need to look up news blogs on the internet that focus on your chosen topic. In our case, we came across this website, which provides reliable crypto news. For the purpose of this article, we've decided to discuss and cover the details of this particular article.

Step 4: Transform Your Article into a Video Script

Now, let's head over to Chat GPT. Copy the article and use this prompt to transform it into a video script:




This prompt can be used by anyone to convert their articles into videos. Our target is to create a video that's slightly longer than a minute, as TikTok's recent updates indicate a preference for content exceeding a minute in duration. For the voiceover, we'll get it from a reliable site called

Step 5: Bring Your AI Avatar to Life

Next, let's breathe life into our AI avatar using the remarkable D-ID Studio. Simply search for D-ID Studio on Google, sign up, and you'll receive sufficient free credits to create a number of videos. This incredible tool will take your AI avatar and the script you've crafted, transforming it all into a captivating video.

Step 6: Edit Your Video

Now, it's time to finish the rest of the video. Use CapCut, an excellent and simple-to-use online video editing tool that's completely free. Begin by uploading your AI avatar video and voiceover. Here, select a 9x16 aspect ratio. Divide the video to isolate the initial and final script sentences. For the rest of the video, use suitable stock images available in the CapCut library. Add transitions and a subtitle. If you prefer, you can dedicate more time to add additional effects, emojis, and such. But for now, we'll proceed to the next step.

Step 7: Monetize Your Content

How can you earn from TikTok or Instagram using this type of content or any other? There are two primary methods favored by content creators on these platforms. The first is affiliate marketing, where you'll find a product to promote through your followers. Then, you can share a link to the product in your bio. It can be any physical or digital product suitable for your niche audience.

The second approach involves brand or small business partnerships. As your audience grows, brands may approach you, or you can reach out to them proposing to promote their product or service for a set fee. They're often quite open to the idea. Additionally, TikTok has recently launched its creator fund program, somewhat similar to YouTube's monetization. Unfortunately, this is currently available only in select countries.

Pros and Cons


- AI avatars are a unique and engaging way to create content on TikTok.

- News content is performing really well on TikTok and Instagram.

- Affiliate marketing and brand partnerships are great ways to monetize your content.


- Creating an AI avatar and producing high-quality content can be time-consuming.

- The creator fund program is currently only available in select countries.


- AI avatars are taking over TikTok by storm, with some 17-year-olds earning over $10,000 a month using this method.

- News content is performing really well on TikTok and Instagram, and AI news anchors might become the new trend.

- Affiliate marketing and brand partnerships are great ways to monetize your content on TikTok and Instagram.


Q: Do I need to be an expert to create an AI avatar and make money on TikTok?

A: No, you don't need to be an expert. With the right tools and strategy, anyone can create an AI avatar and make money on TikTok.

Q: How can I monetize my content on TikTok and Instagram?

A: There are two primary methods: affiliate marketing and brand partnerships. You can also participate in TikTok's creator fund program if it's available in your country.

Q: Is news content really performing well on TikTok and Instagram?

A: Yes, news content is performing really well on both platforms. And with AI news anchors, you can take it one step further and create engaging and unique content.


- Mid-Journey

- D-ID Studio

- CapCut


- TikTok Creator Fund Program

- End -
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