Here's How AI Is REALLY Going To Change The World (It’s In Photoshop)

Here's How AI Is REALLY Going To Change The World (It’s In Photoshop)

April 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Exploring the Power of Generative AI in Photoshop

Generative AI has been making waves in the world of technology, and Adobe Photoshop is no exception. In the 2024 update to Photoshop, several generative AI tools were included, such as Generative Fill and Generative Expand. These tools have revolutionized the way we work with images, making it easier and faster to create stunning visuals.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is capable of creating new content, such as images, videos, and even music. It works by analyzing existing data and using that information to generate new content that is similar in style and structure. This technology has been used in a variety of applications, from creating realistic-looking faces to generating entire landscapes.

The Power of Generative AI in Photoshop

Generative AI has been integrated into Photoshop in a number of ways, making it easier for users to create stunning visuals. One of the most powerful tools is Generative Expand, which allows users to expand an image and fill in the surrounding area with new content. This tool is particularly useful for creating thumbnails and other images that need to fit a specific size or aspect ratio.

Another tool that has been integrated into Photoshop is Generative Fill, which allows users to fill in areas of an image with new content. This tool is particularly useful for removing unwanted objects from an image or filling in gaps in a photo.

The Benefits of Generative AI in Photoshop

The benefits of using generative AI in Photoshop are numerous. For one, it saves time and effort by automating tasks that would otherwise be done manually. This allows users to focus on more creative aspects of their work, such as composition and design.

Generative AI also allows users to experiment with new ideas and concepts, without having to spend hours creating new content from scratch. This can lead to more innovative and creative work, as users are able to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is possible.

The Drawbacks of Generative AI in Photoshop

While generative AI has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider. One of the biggest concerns is the potential for copyright infringement. Because generative AI works by analyzing existing data, there is a risk that it could be used to create content that infringes on someone else's copyright.

Another concern is the potential for misuse. Generative AI could be used to create fake images or videos that are indistinguishable from real ones, which could have serious consequences in areas such as journalism and politics.


Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work with images, and its integration into Photoshop is just the beginning. While there are some concerns to consider, the benefits of using generative AI in Photoshop are clear. It saves time and effort, allows for more experimentation and creativity, and opens up new possibilities for visual storytelling.

If you're interested in exploring the power of generative AI in Photoshop, be sure to check out the Generative Fill and Generative Expand tools. And if you're looking for more ways to improve your productivity and creativity, consider trying out the Imprint app, which offers interactive courses on a variety of topics.

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