HelpScout Beacon

HelpScout Beacon

April 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

Setting Up a Beacon in Help Scout

Are you looking to set up a beacon in Help Scout? Look no further! In this article, we'll guide you through the process step-by-step.

What is a Beacon?

A beacon is a chatbot that can be embedded on your website to provide customer support. With a beacon, customers can search for articles, submit inquiries, and even chat with a support representative.

Creating a Beacon

To create a beacon, navigate to the "Manage" tab in Help Scout and select "Beacons." From there, click "Create a Beacon" and give it a name. You can also choose which functionality the beacon will have, such as document search and mailbox access.

Customizing Your Beacon

Once you've created your beacon, you can customize it to fit your brand. You can choose the color and design of the viewer, as well as the icon and text that will appear on your website. You can also choose whether the beacon will be self-service or an inquiry form.

Embedding Your Beacon

After you've customized your beacon, Help Scout will provide you with a bit of HTML code that your web developer will need to embed into your website. Once the code is embedded, your beacon will appear as a chatbot on your website.

Tailoring Your Beacon

Once your beacon is set up, you can tailor it to fit your specific needs. You can choose which questions will appear on the contact form, enable chat, and even enable messaging.

Pros and Cons of Using a Beacon


- Provides 24/7 customer support

- Can reduce workload on customer service representatives

- Can improve customer satisfaction


- May not be as effective as human support

- May require additional resources to set up and maintain


Setting up a beacon in Help Scout is a great way to provide customer support on your website. With a few simple steps, you can create a customized chatbot that will improve customer satisfaction and reduce workload on your support team.


- A beacon is a chatbot that can be embedded on your website to provide customer support.

- To create a beacon, navigate to the "Manage" tab in Help Scout and select "Beacons."

- Once your beacon is set up, you can tailor it to fit your specific needs.

- Pros of using a beacon include 24/7 customer support and improved customer satisfaction.

- Cons of using a beacon include the potential for reduced effectiveness compared to human support and the need for additional resources to set up and maintain.


Q: What is a beacon?

A: A beacon is a chatbot that can be embedded on your website to provide customer support.

Q: How do I create a beacon in Help Scout?

A: To create a beacon, navigate to the "Manage" tab in Help Scout and select "Beacons." From there, click "Create a Beacon" and give it a name.

Q: Can I customize my beacon?

A: Yes, you can customize your beacon to fit your brand. You can choose the color and design of the viewer, as well as the icon and text that will appear on your website.

Q: What are the pros and cons of using a beacon?

A: Pros of using a beacon include 24/7 customer support and improved customer satisfaction. Cons of using a beacon include the potential for reduced effectiveness compared to human support and the need for additional resources to set up and maintain.


- Help Scout:

- AI Chatbot:

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