

April 4, 2024
Author: Big Y

🎨 Deep Coma: A Poetic Interpretation

Have you ever experienced a dream that felt so real, yet so distant? A dream that left you with a sense of longing and confusion? The poem "Deep Coma" by Haruno captures this feeling perfectly. In this article, we will explore the themes and emotions conveyed in this beautiful piece of art.

🌊 The Aquarium of the Night

The first line of the poem sets the tone for the rest of the piece. "All transparent shapes have been bitten off" suggests a sense of loss and emptiness. The speaker seems to be searching for something that is no longer there. The line "the aquarium of the night spilled over" adds to this feeling of chaos and confusion. The night, which is usually associated with calmness and serenity, is now overflowing with unknown emotions.

❄️ The Coldness of Reality

The speaker then tries to make sense of their surroundings. "It isn't that cold here though" suggests that they are trying to find comfort in their current situation. However, the line "this world won't save you" brings them back to reality. The world can be a harsh and unforgiving place, and no amount of comfort can change that.

👟 The Journey Ahead

The poem then takes a turn towards hope. The speaker asks "with those shoes you received, where shall we go?" This line suggests that there is a journey ahead, and the speaker is ready to face it with their companion. However, the line "the things that ended long ago, the things you cried over" reminds us that the past can still weigh heavily on us.

🌧️ The Sudden Rain

The sudden rain in the poem can be interpreted in many ways. It could represent a sudden change in circumstances, or it could be a metaphor for the tears that we shed. The line "even with the sudden rain, and the umbrella you brought, the world won't save you" suggests that we must face our problems head-on, and no amount of protection can shield us from the harshness of reality.

🌟 Holding On and Letting Go

The final lines of the poem are perhaps the most poignant. "Holding everything dear, I'll let them all fall. Until the last moment, don't let go" suggests that we must hold on to what is important to us, but we must also be willing to let go when the time comes. The line "even though I no longer have a heart" adds to the sense of loss and emptiness that permeates the poem.

Pros and Cons


- The poem is beautifully written and evokes strong emotions.

- The themes of loss, hope, and acceptance are universal and relatable.

- The use of metaphors and imagery adds depth and complexity to the poem.


- The poem may be too abstract for some readers.

- The meaning of the poem may be open to interpretation, which could lead to confusion.

🌟 Highlights

- "All transparent shapes have been bitten off"

- "the aquarium of the night spilled over"

- "this world won't save you"

- "with those shoes you received, where shall we go?"

- "even with the sudden rain, and the umbrella you brought, the world won't save you"

- "holding everything dear, I'll let them all fall. Until the last moment, don't let go"


Q: What is the meaning of the poem "Deep Coma"?

A: The poem explores themes of loss, hope, and acceptance. It suggests that we must face the harshness of reality, but we must also hold on to what is important to us.

Q: What is the significance of the sudden rain in the poem?

A: The sudden rain could represent a sudden change in circumstances, or it could be a metaphor for the tears that we shed.

Q: Is the poem open to interpretation?

A: Yes, the meaning of the poem may be open to interpretation, which could lead to confusion. However, this also allows readers to find their own meaning in the poem.


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