Google's New Imagen 2... sucks

Google's New Imagen 2... sucks

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

Testing Google's Image Gen 2: Is it Really That Good?

In a recent announcement, Google introduced their new AI image generator called Image Gen 2, claiming that it is super realistic and high quality, with the ability to accurately generate hands and fingers. To put this claim to the test, we compared Image Gen 2 with two of the other best free image generators out there, Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion, testing out different challenging prompts to see how each of these three perform.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Image Gen 2: What is it?

- Comparing Image Gen 2 with Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion

- Testing Image Gen 2 with Challenging Prompts

- Image Gen 2's Strengths and Weaknesses

- Conclusion

- FAQs

Image Gen 2: What is it?

Google's Image Gen 2 is their most advanced text-to-image technology, delivering high-quality photorealistic outputs. It is an AI image generator that uses machine learning algorithms to create images based on text prompts. Image Gen 2 is available in Bard and Image FX, and Google claims that it is their most advanced image generator yet, with the ability to render realistic hands and human faces.

Comparing Image Gen 2 with Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion

To test the accuracy and quality of Image Gen 2, we compared it with two of the other best free image generators out there, Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion. Dolly 3 is like OpenAI and Microsoft's image generator, while Stable Diffusion is a web UI that can be run locally on a computer or used online through a platform called Cart.

Testing Image Gen 2 with Challenging Prompts

We tested Image Gen 2 with challenging prompts to see how it performs compared to Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion. We tested prompts such as a portrait of a man in a suit, a neon sign with the word "hello," a man playing guitar, a group of capybaras forging in a field, and a woman wearing a leather jacket in a cyberpunk city at night.

Image Gen 2's Strengths and Weaknesses

While Image Gen 2 is great at generating realistic animals, it falls short when it comes to generating realistic hands and fingers. The images that Google showcases are indeed impressive, but it seems that they are cherry-picking the best results to showcase. Image Gen 2 also struggles with generating anime-style images, while Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion perform better in this area.


In conclusion, Image Gen 2 is a promising AI image generator that delivers high-quality photorealistic outputs. However, it falls short in some areas, such as generating realistic hands and fingers and anime-style images. It is still a great tool to use for generating realistic animals and other photorealistic images.


Q: What is Image Gen 2?

A: Image Gen 2 is Google's most advanced text-to-image technology, delivering high-quality photorealistic outputs.

Q: How does Image Gen 2 compare to Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion?

A: We compared Image Gen 2 with Dolly 3 and Stable Diffusion and found that Image Gen 2 falls short in some areas, such as generating realistic hands and fingers and anime-style images.

Q: What are some of Image Gen 2's strengths and weaknesses?

A: Image Gen 2 is great at generating realistic animals but struggles with generating realistic hands and fingers and anime-style images.

- End -
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