Find Amazon FBA Products EASILY with Helium10!

Find Amazon FBA Products EASILY with Helium10!

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Product Research on Amazon: Unique Ways to Find Winning Products

Are you tired of the same old product research methods on Amazon? Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut and can't find any new product ideas? Well, fear not! In this article, we'll explore some unique ways to find winning products on Amazon that you may not have thought of before.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Using Black Box Keywords for Product Research

3. X-Ray Keywords: A Quick Way to Find Top Keywords

4. Pinterest Trend Finder: A Source of Inspiration

5. Related Searches: A Goldmine of Keyword Ideas

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs

Using Black Box Keywords for Product Research

When most people think of product research on Amazon, they usually start with the X-Ray Chrome extension or Black Box to find a product. However, we're going to flip the script a little bit and teach you to look for products by looking for keywords. The tool we'll be using for this is Black Box Keywords.

To get started, go to Black Box and select three categories that interest you. For example, let's say we choose "baby," "patio and garden," and "pets." Next, we want to find keywords that have high demand. To do this, we'll use the search form to look for keywords with a search volume between 4,000 and 9,000 per month and a retail price average between $17 and $40.

But we don't want just any keyword with high demand. We want to find keywords that have low title density, which means that few people have used that keyword in their product title. This is an indication that it's a newer niche or that it's easier to rank for that keyword. We'll set the title density filter to a maximum of five.

We'll also use the competitor reviews filter to look at the top 10 organic results on page one and see how many of them have less than 150 reviews. This is an indication that there's less competition for that keyword. We'll also set a filter for revenue, looking for keywords where at least five out of the top 10 products generate more than $2,500 per month.

Finally, we'll use the word count filter to look for keywords with a minimum of two words. This will help us avoid one-word keywords that have search volume but no buyer intent.

X-Ray Keywords: A Quick Way to Find Top Keywords

If you're stuck on a product page and want to know which keywords are driving sales for that product, you can use X-Ray Keywords. This tool is like using Cerebro but live. It shows you the top keywords that are driving sales for that product without having to run it through Cerebro.

To use X-Ray Keywords, go to the product page and click on the X-Ray Keywords button. This will show you the top keywords that are driving sales for that product. You can use this information to find related keywords and get inspiration for new product ideas.

Pinterest Trend Finder: A Source of Inspiration

If you're looking for inspiration for new product ideas, the Pinterest Trend Finder is a great tool to use. It shows you the most popular trends on Pinterest and gives you ideas for new products to sell on Amazon.

To use the Pinterest Trend Finder, go to the dashboard and select the Pinterest Trend Finder. Spin the wheel to get a random idea, and then look at the popular pins to see what people are looking for in that niche. You can use this information to find related keywords and get inspiration for new product ideas.

Related Searches: A Goldmine of Keyword Ideas

Another way to find new product ideas is to look at the related searches on Amazon. When you search for a keyword on Amazon, you'll see a section called "related searches" that shows you the top six keywords that people search for before or after searching for that keyword.

You can use this information to find related keywords and get inspiration for new product ideas. For example, if you're searching for "coffin shelf," you might see related searches for "gothic decor" or "coffin bookshelf." These related searches can give you ideas for new products to sell on Amazon.


Product research on Amazon doesn't have to be boring or repetitive. By using these unique methods, you can find new product ideas and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you

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