Find $30k/month Products that NO ONE ELSE will Sell on Amazon FBA (Product Research Tutorial)

Find $30k/month Products that NO ONE ELSE will Sell on Amazon FBA (Product Research Tutorial)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

🕵️‍♂️ How to Find Profitable Seasonal Products on Amazon

Are you tired of trying to sell products that everyone else is selling? Do you want to find a way to stand out in the crowded Amazon marketplace? Look no further than seasonal products. In this article, we'll show you how to find products that can bring in ten to thirty thousand dollars a month with low risk and low advertising costs. We'll also explain how to manage inventory and mitigate the risks associated with seasonal products.

📝 Table of Contents

- Introduction

- The Benefits and Risks of Seasonal Products

- How to Find Seasonal Products

- Niche Down Your Product

- Managing Inventory and Mitigating Risk

- The Importance of Reviews

- Advertising Strategies for Seasonal Products

- The Winter Season

- Other Seasonal Opportunities

- Conclusion

The Benefits and Risks of Seasonal Products

Seasonal products are those that sell well during a specific time of year. For example, pool toys sell well during the summer months, while Christmas decorations sell well during the winter holidays. The benefits of selling seasonal products are that they can bring in a lot of revenue during their peak season, and they can be easier to sell than year-round products.

However, there are also risks associated with seasonal products. One risk is that you may not have cash flow all year long, as you may only be selling for a few months out of the year. Another risk is that you may have inventory that sits for nine months if you order too much.

How to Find Seasonal Products

To find seasonal products, you can use a product research tool like Helium 10. Start by selecting categories like health and household, home and kitchen, patio, lawn, and garden, pet supplies, tools and home improvement, and sports and outdoors. Then, set the monthly revenue to 10,000 to 30,000 and the best sales month to the month you're interested in.

Once you have a list of products, you can use the Magnet tool to find related keywords and niche down your product. For example, if you're interested in pool toys, you can search for "pool toys" in the Magnet tool and find related keywords like "pool floats adult" or "pool toys for men."

Niche Down Your Product

Niche down your product to make it less competitive and easier to sell. For example, instead of selling pool toys in general, you could sell pool toys for men or pool toys for small children. By doing this, you'll have less competition and a more targeted audience.

Managing Inventory and Mitigating Risk

To manage inventory and mitigate risk, start by ordering low MOQs (minimum order quantities) and testing out two to six variations of your product. Don't spend a lot on photos or listing assets in the beginning. Once you find a winner, double down on it the next year and test out new variations.

The Importance of Reviews

Reviews are important for any product, but they're especially important for seasonal products. You want to have as many reviews as possible before the peak season hits. To get reviews, you can use the Vine program or run low PPC campaigns.

Advertising Strategies for Seasonal Products

Advertising for seasonal products can be tricky. You don't want to spend a lot on advertising during the off-season, but you also want to be prepared for the peak season. One strategy is to run very low PPC campaigns during the off-season and then increase your advertising during the peak season.

The Winter Season

The winter season is another great opportunity for seasonal products. You can sell products like Christmas decorations, gifts for men, and winter sports equipment. Again, niche down your product to make it less competitive.

Other Seasonal Opportunities

There are many other seasonal opportunities throughout the year, like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Mother's Day. Look for products that are in high demand during these seasons and test out variations.


Selling seasonal products can be a great way to stand out in the crowded Amazon marketplace. By managing inventory, mitigating risk, and testing out variations, you can build a successful Amazon business that relies very little on advertising. Use product research tools like Helium 10 to find seasonal products and niche down your product to make it less competitive. With a little patience and hard work, you can build a catalog of products that get stronger year after year.


- Seasonal products can bring in a lot of revenue during their peak season

- Seasonal products can be easier to sell than year-round products

- Niche down your product to make it less competitive and easier to sell

- Use low MOQs and test out variations to manage inventory and mitigate risk

- Reviews are important for seasonal products


- You may not have cash flow all year long

- You may have inventory that sits for nine months if you order too much

- Advertising for seasonal products can be tricky

- End -
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