EPIC $1000/Week Affiliate Marketing System Sending Emails!

EPIC $1000/Week Affiliate Marketing System Sending Emails!

March 29, 2024
Author: Big Y

πŸš€ How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you a complete beginner to affiliate marketing? Do you lack experience in building a website and have little money to invest? If so, this guide is tailor-made for you. In this article, I will show you how to make your first couple of hundred dollars online today, using a completely free strategy that works worldwide.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Step 1: Head over to Sniply

3. Step 2: Find a Facebook Ads Expert Gig on Fiverr

4. Step 3: Join the Fiverr Affiliate Program

5. Step 4: Find the Right Entrepreneurs and Businesses

6. Conclusion

Step 1: Head over to Sniply

The first step in this process is to head over to Sniply, a tool that allows you to add a call to action to any web page on the internet. This is going to enable us to make sure that our emails get sent out correctly and every single part of this method is set up correctly so that you can make affiliate commissions online.

If you don't have an account with Sniply, just click "Get Started for Free." Alternatively, if you do have a website, click "Sign In" in the top right-hand corner. Once you've signed in, this is pretty much how the dashboard is going to look like.

Step 2: Find a Facebook Ads Expert Gig on Fiverr

The next step is to head over to Fiverr and find a Facebook Ads expert gig. Running Facebook ads, Google ads, and Pinterest ads is a very high-level skill and a high-income skill. This is very valuable to businesses online because it can help them scale their business and make more money.

When you're finding a freelancer on the site, you want to look at what level they're at. Stick with freelancers that either have a pro verified next to their name or they're a top-rated seller. You don't want to go for the level twos or the level ones or any newcomers because they won't be able to fulfill the order that we need, which is going to help us make money with affiliate marketing.

Once you've found a good freelancer, head over to the Fiverr Affiliates program. This is exactly how we're going to make money in today's tutorial.

Step 3: Join the Fiverr Affiliate Program

Join the Fiverr Affiliate Program and get your affiliate link to the freelancer that you're promoting. If you come up with the left-hand side, click on "Marketing Tools," then go down to "D4 and Deep Links." From here, you simply come over to the Fiverr CPA because remember, this is the type of gig that we're promoting.

Once you've found the gig, simply click on "LP URL," and then we're going to paste the link of the freelancer. Then, head back over to the Fiverr Affiliates dashboard to get your affiliate links.

Step 4: Find the Right Entrepreneurs and Businesses

The last step is to find the right entrepreneurs and businesses that are going to be able to purchase this Facebook ad service so that we can make money with the Fiverr affiliate program.

To do this, head over to Google and find different businesses. For example, you could target dentists or orthodontics in Sydney, or restaurants in London. Once you've found a business that you want to go for, head over to the website and find the contact details of this restaurant.

Once you've found the contact details, send them a very professional email so that you can advise them that Facebook ads are needed for their business. Send them to an article or a video that gives them all the insight that they need.


In conclusion, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start making money today. Remember to find the right entrepreneurs and businesses, and to send them a professional email.

If you're looking for a way to reduce the workload on customer services, check out this AI chatbot product: https://www.voc.ai/product/ai-chatbot. It can automatically reduce a large amount of work on customer services.

Pros and Cons


- Completely free strategy

- Works worldwide

- Can make your first couple of hundred dollars online today

- High-income skill

- Can help businesses scale and make more money


- Requires finding the right entrepreneurs and businesses

- Requires sending professional emails


- Use Sniply to add a call to action to any web page on the internet

- Find a Facebook Ads expert gig on Fiverr

- Join the Fiverr Affiliate Program

- Find the right entrepreneurs and businesses

- Send them a professional email


Q: Is affiliate marketing a good way to make money online?

A: Yes, affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online.

Q: Do I need experience in building a website to make money with affiliate marketing?

A: No, you don't need experience in building a website to make money with affiliate marketing.

Q: Can I make money with affiliate marketing worldwide?

A: Yes, you can make money with affiliate marketing worldwide.

Q: Do I need to spend money to make money with affiliate marketing?

A: No, you don't need to spend money to make money with affiliate marketing.

Q: Is it difficult to find the right entrepreneurs and businesses to promote Facebook ad services to?

A: It can be difficult to find the right entrepreneurs and businesses, but with persistence, you can find them.

- End -
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