EBAY Buyer Scams Me and Returned Used Underwear and Rotting Food Instead of Item Sold...Again

EBAY Buyer Scams Me and Returned Used Underwear and Rotting Food Instead of Item Sold...Again

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Unboxing a Hate Package: Dealing with Scammers on eBay

eBay is a popular platform for buying and selling goods online. However, it's not uncommon for sellers to encounter scammers who try to take advantage of the system. In this article, we'll explore one seller's experience with a hate package and how they dealt with the situation.

The Hate Package

The seller, who goes by the name Wick, received a package from a buyer who had previously sent them a hate package. The buyer was unhappy with a $10 purchase and instead of returning the original item, they sent old rotting food and other random items. Wick blocked the buyer and reported them to eBay, but now they have received another package from the same location.

This time, the buyer had purchased a $12 hat, but when it was returned, there was no hat inside. The package was heavy and rattling, so Wick decided to open it while wearing gloves. Inside, they found random items such as styrofoam, a plastic bag, a piece of plumbing, and some clothing, possibly even underwear. Wick was not happy with the situation and decided to take action.

Dealing with eBay

Wick contacted eBay to report the situation and was initially told that they would cover the cost of the refund. However, things didn't go as smoothly as before. eBay informed Wick that the buyer had returned the item using an eBay label and that they would have to wait for the case to close before submitting an appeal. Wick was not happy with this response and decided to appeal the decision.

After going through the appeal process and providing evidence, eBay granted Wick's appeal and issued a full refund. However, Wick was still frustrated with the situation and felt that eBay could do more to protect their sellers.

Dealing with Scammers

Scammers are a common problem on eBay, and it's important for sellers to be aware of the risks. One way to protect yourself is to factor in the possibility of scams when doing business on eBay. This means being prepared to deal with returns and refunds, as well as being vigilant about suspicious activity.

If you do encounter a scammer, it's important to report them to eBay and provide evidence of their fraudulent behavior. You can also contact the post office to report mail fraud if necessary.


Dealing with scammers on eBay can be frustrating, but it's important to stay vigilant and take action when necessary. By being prepared and reporting suspicious activity, you can protect yourself and your business from potential scams.

Remember, eBay is a great platform for buying and selling goods online, but it's important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself.

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