EASY Helium 10 Product Research Tutorial 2022 (How to Use Helium 10 Xray & Master Amazon FBA)

EASY Helium 10 Product Research Tutorial 2022 (How to Use Helium 10 Xray & Master Amazon FBA)

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Find the Perfect Product to Sell on Amazon

Are you looking to start selling on Amazon but don't know where to start? The key to success on Amazon is finding the perfect product to sell. In this article, we'll show you how to use data tools to identify high-demand, low-competition products that will help you make money on Amazon.

Understanding Amazon Search

Before we dive into product research, it's important to understand how people search for products on Amazon. Most people know what they want and will type it into the search bar. Your goal is to find a product that people are searching for frequently and then sell it to them.

Using X-Ray to Identify High-Demand Products

The first tool you'll need is X-Ray, a Chrome extension from Helium 10. X-Ray populates all the data you need into one box, making it easy to identify high-demand products. Look for products that people are searching for frequently and that have a lot of sales every month. Ideally, you want to find a product that has a lot of sales but not a lot of competition.

Analyzing the Competition

Once you've identified a high-demand product, it's time to analyze the competition. Look at the number of reviews your competitors have. If they have thousands of reviews, it may be too competitive for you to enter the market. Look for products with 10-70 reviews that are still making a lot of sales. This is proof that you can enter the market with a smaller number of reviews and still make money.

Keyword Research with Cerebro

Keyword research is essential for finding the perfect product to sell on Amazon. Use Cerebro to identify the keywords and phrases that people are using to find your product. This will help you optimize your product listing and make it easier for people to find your product.

Other Tools to Consider

In addition to X-Ray and Cerebro, there are other tools you can use to make selling on Amazon easier. Black Box is a great tool for finding random products to analyze. Follow-Up is a tool for sending emails to customers to encourage them to leave reviews. Refund Genie helps you recoup money from Amazon for refunds they may have missed. Profits is a tool for tracking your numbers and automating your accounting.

Pros and Cons of Selling on Amazon


- Huge customer base

- Easy to get started

- Low overhead costs

- Access to Amazon's fulfillment services


- High competition

- Amazon takes a percentage of your sales

- Limited control over your brand

- Can be difficult to stand out in a crowded market


Q: How do I find the perfect product to sell on Amazon?

A: Use data tools like X-Ray and Cerebro to identify high-demand, low-competition products.

Q: How do I stand out in a crowded market?

A: Optimize your product listing with keywords and high-quality images. Encourage customers to leave reviews.

Q: How much does it cost to sell on Amazon?

A: Amazon takes a percentage of your sales, but there are no upfront costs to get started.

Q: Can I sell any product on Amazon?

A: No, some products are restricted or require approval from Amazon before you can sell them.


- X-Ray from Helium 10

- Cerebro from Helium 10

- Black Box from Helium 10

- Follow-Up from Helium 10

- Refund Genie from Helium 10

- Profits from Helium 10

- End -
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