The easiest way to make money online while you sleep ($100/day) for beginners.

The easiest way to make money online while you sleep ($100/day) for beginners.

March 12, 2024
Author: Big Y

🤑 Easiest Ways to Make Money Online: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of the daily grind and looking for ways to make money online? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will go through some of the easiest ways to generate a source of income by using the internet. With these different methods of making money online, you can travel around the world to various different amazing locations, sit by the beach, and still earn a source of income without having to put in too much work.

Recurring Commission Payouts: The First Method

One of the first methods of making money online in the easiest way possible is with recurring commission payouts. This method involves doing affiliate marketing and promoting products that pay you a recurring commission every single month. While most people tend to go down the route of promoting products on Amazon using the Amazon Associates program, there are so many different digital products and software out there that offer a recurring commission.

To find companies that offer an affiliate program with a recurring commission, you can scan the internet or go over to, which is an affiliate marketplace that mainly offers software that normally pays a recurring commission. Not every single software in partner stack offers a recurring commission, so you can use the find tool to search for the keyword "recurring" and go through all of the different companies to see which one stands out to you.

To successfully get someone to click on your affiliate link and buy any one of these different software that you decide to promote, you can use the strategy called search-based affiliate marketing. This strategy involves signing up to any one of these different software, getting your affiliate link, and putting your affiliate link in front of someone that's actively searching for information about that software. You can utilize the traffic on Google and redirect it to your affiliate link to increase your chances of earning a passive source of income.

Ranking Articles on Google: The Second Method

The second easiest way of making money online is by ranking articles on Google. This method involves building your own website, specifically a blog website, and publishing at least three to four articles every week for you to get those articles ranked on the first page of Google. While not every single article that you write is going to land on the first page of Google, this method is great because you can promote products that give you the opportunity to earn a monthly recurring commission.

You can also make money in a number of different ways, whether you want to place ads on your website and make money through something like Google AdSense or sell your own digital product on your website. If you're able to understand the economics of the website from day one, you're going to be able to pay someone to produce high-quality articles on your behalf and do SEO for your articles to be ranked on Google.

Starting a Newsletter Business: The Third Method

The third easy way of making money online is by starting a newsletter business. Building up an email list of people that you know are interested in a particular topic is going to make it a lot easier for you when it comes to knowing what type of emails they want to receive and what products and services to recommend them. Building up an email newsletter is actually a great way for you to have direct communication with the people that have given you their email because you're going to be able to send them an email anytime that you want.

To build up your email list, you can give as much free value as possible and maybe recommend a product or service that you believe that they're going to benefit from. You can monetize your email newsletter business in multiple different ways, whether you want to sell your own digital product or recommend products and services that you believe in.

Starting a Video Publishing Business: The Fourth Method

The fourth easy way of making money online is by starting a video publishing business. This method involves publishing videos on YouTube and earning direct monetization from the platform. You can make money from Google AdSense or YouTube AdSense from the ads that are being played on your video.

You don't necessarily need to sell anything if you don't want to sell anything. If you just want to earn money from the ads that are being played on your video, there's no real exchange when it comes to you having to sell something to a real person. All you have to focus on is making high-quality videos. You can start with a simple mobile phone and record and edit the videos on the phone.

Pros and Cons

Each of these methods has its own pros and cons. Recurring commission payouts and ranking articles on Google are great for earning a passive source of income, but they require a lot of work upfront. Starting a newsletter business and a video publishing business are great for building direct communication with your audience, but they require a lot of effort to grow your audience.


- Recurring commission payouts offer a passive source of income through affiliate marketing.

- Ranking articles on Google can help you promote products and services and earn money through ads and your own digital products.

- Starting a newsletter business can help you build direct communication with your audience and monetize your email list.

- Starting a video publishing business can help you earn direct monetization from YouTube through ads.


Q: Do I need to have a lot of experience to start making money online?

A: No, you don't need to have a lot of experience to start making money online. You can start with any of these methods and learn as you go.

Q: How much money can I make with these methods?

A: The amount of money you can make with these methods depends on how much effort and time you put into them.

Q: Do I need to invest a lot of money to start making money online?

A: No, you don't need to invest a lot of money to start making money online. You can start with a simple mobile phone and work your way up.



- Google Trends

- AWeber

- ConvertKit

In conclusion, making money online is not an easy task, but it's definitely possible. With these different methods of making money online, you can generate a source of income by using the internet. Whether you want to earn a passive source of income or build direct communication with your audience, there's a method that's right for you. So, what are you waiting for? Start making money online today!

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