【Mom's health is always the most important】Adastria Co., Ltd. Elura Terrace Mall Shonan Store Manager Mayumi Izumisawa.

【Mom's health is always the most important】Adastria Co., Ltd. Elura Terrace Mall Shonan Store Manager Mayumi Izumisawa.

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Becoming a Store Manager

3. The Importance of Teamwork

4. Balancing Work and Motherhood

5. Qualification Support Project

6. Motivating Staff

7. Building a Cooperative System

8. Work-Life Balance at Adastria

9. The Rewards of Being a Store Manager

10. Sharing Experiences with Other Mothers


🌟 Becoming a Store Manager: The Journey of a Working Mother 🌟

Being a mother is a full-time job in itself, but for many women, it doesn't end there. Balancing motherhood with a career can be challenging, but it's not impossible. In this article, we will explore the experiences of Mayu Izumisawa, a store manager at Adastria's adult women's brand Elula. Mayu will share her journey, the challenges she faced, and how she found a balance between work and motherhood. Join us as we delve into the world of a working mother and discover the rewards and lessons it brings.

1. Becoming a Store Manager

🌟 The Path to Leadership 🌟

Mayu Izumisawa's journey as a store manager began after graduating from vocational school. She started as a salesperson at three different stores, gaining valuable experience along the way. Eventually, she became a store manager, responsible for customer service, staff management, and store performance. Mayu will take us through her career progression and the skills she acquired to excel in her role.

2. The Importance of Teamwork

🌟 Together We Thrive 🌟

Managing a team requires effective communication and collaboration. Mayu will share her experiences working with staff of various ages and backgrounds. She will discuss the challenges she faced in motivating her team and the valuable lesson she learned about relying on others. Discover the power of teamwork and how it can contribute to a successful work environment.

3. Balancing Work and Motherhood

🌟 Finding Harmony 🌟

As a working mother, Mayu faced the challenge of balancing her professional and personal life. She will share her journey of self-discovery and the realization that working shorter hours doesn't mean compromising on her time with her family. Mayu will provide insights into how she managed to find a balance between work, childcare, and personal well-being.

4. Qualification Support Project

🌟 Unlocking Potential 🌟

Adastria's qualification support project played a crucial role in Mayu's professional development. She will discuss the study sessions and support she received to acquire qualifications, which further motivated her to excel in her role. Learn how investing in employee growth can lead to increased motivation and productivity.

5. Motivating Staff

🌟 Inspiring Excellence 🌟

Mayu believes in the power of praise and recognition. She will share her strategies for motivating her staff and encouraging them to embrace their individuality. Discover the importance of creating a positive work environment and how it can contribute to the success of both employees and the organization.

6. Building a Cooperative System

🌟 The Power of Collaboration 🌟

Mayu and her husband built a cooperative system to manage their responsibilities as working parents. She will discuss the importance of open communication with her children and how they gradually developed a supportive family structure. Learn from Mayu's experiences and find inspiration for creating your own cooperative system.

7. Work-Life Balance at Adastria

🌟 A Supportive Environment 🌟

Adastria offers various systems to support working parents, including childcare options and shortened working hours. Mayu will share her firsthand experience with these systems and how they have positively impacted her work-life balance. Discover the benefits of working in an organization that prioritizes the well-being of its employees.

8. The Rewards of Being a Store Manager

🌟 Fulfillment and Growth 🌟

Mayu finds great satisfaction in her role as a store manager. She will discuss the rewards of serving customers, the support of her family, and the personal growth she has experienced. Explore the fulfilling aspects of being a store manager and how it can contribute to personal and professional development.

9. Sharing Experiences with Other Mothers

🌟 Empowering Mothers 🌟

Mayu believes in sharing her experiences and supporting other mothers in their journey. She will discuss her plans to share her insights and real-life stories with fellow employees who are becoming mothers. Discover the power of community and how sharing experiences can empower and inspire others.


🌟 Embracing the Journey 🌟

Being a working mother is a unique and challenging experience. Mayu Izumisawa's story serves as an inspiration for all women striving to find a balance between their career and motherhood. Through her journey, we have learned the importance of teamwork, motivation, and building a supportive system. Mayu's experiences at Adastria highlight the benefits of working in an organization that values work-life balance. As we conclude this article, let us remember that being an energetic mother is the most important thing, and with the right support and mindset, we can embrace the journey with confidence and fulfillment.


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