Bitbank's chart viewing and usage explained in detail.

Bitbank's chart viewing and usage explained in detail.

April 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

A Thorough Explanation of How to Read and Use Bidbank's Charts

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to read and use Bidbank's charts. Bidbank is a virtual currency exchange company known for its high security and highly functional charts. For those who are investing with Bidbank for the first time, it may not make much sense. Therefore, we will thoroughly explain how to read and use Bidbank's charts step by step.

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Bidbank's Charts

2. Time

3. Candlesticks

4. Volume Indicator

5. Drawing Functions

6. Indicators

7. Moving Average Line

8. RSI


10. Summary

Overview of Bidbank's Charts

Bidbank has two services: a sales office and an exchange. However, we will focus on the charts from the exchange. Setting aside the difference between a sales office and an exchange, sales office charts only have the minimum necessary functions. If you want to do full-scale chart analysis, you should learn how to read and use the trading today's chart. After that, you should learn the following functions, and if you remember the concept, you will be able to do the necessary and sufficient chart analysis.


Time is one of the most basic ways to view Bidbank's charts. This chart consists of a number of bars that connect together to make up the entire graph. Candlesticks are called candlesticks, and the setting of how much time is included in each bar is a molester's stick. The timeframe of this chart can be set from 1 minute to 1 month. Of course, which time book should you use? The shape of the chart changes depending on the situation, and the specific way you look at it and how you use it will also change. Use it differently depending on your investment style, such as short, medium, or long term.


Candlesticks are also used. This is one of the basic ways to view and use Bidbank's charts. Candlesticks are an important part of the chart. A wide variety of information is expressed in each candlestick. The top and bottom of the candlestick are the starting points, respectively. The term "top" or "bottom" refers to the closing price. Whether it means a top or a bottom is determined by the final rise or fall of that time frame. And the thin tip that extends from the candle body to the upper limit is called a whisker. The whisker means the highest price and lowest price within a given time period. Generally speaking, the longer the whiskers on a chart, the more rough the market is. Bidbank's charts have two colors, green and red, but they are green. Green is a candlestick that ended with an increase in price. Red indicates a candlestick that ended with a decrease in price. The use of these colors varies depending on the depiction used. If you use something other than BidBank, be careful about the coloring of the chart.

Volume Indicator

By default, Bidbank charts display a bar graph in addition to candlesticks. This is called volume. Volume indicates how many orders were executed within the city during that time, and the higher the trading volume, the more active the market was. In fact, the longer the candlestick or peace is, the higher the trading volume is. This can also be used for a variety of purposes, but a chart with a continuous low trading volume lacks a sense of market direction. However, it should be noted that this trading volume is only a statistic of bid bank users and cannot necessarily be said to be a trend common to the chart of the entire currency.

Drawing Functions

Bidbank's chart has some drawing functions. You can draw a line or draw a figure, or you can add a memo using text. However, it is difficult to say for sure how to actually use such a drawing function. This is the time when a large number of books have been published, so we recommend that you research the method that suits you and your style.


Indicators are functions that can be added to graphs based on a variety of information. How they are viewed and how they are used differs depending on the functions added, but all of them are useful for more detailed chart analysis. Bidbank offers a wide variety of indicators. Indicators are available. Whether you should use them depends on your investment stance, but if you are using charts for the first time, it may be a good idea to use the moving average line RSI MACD. These indicators can also be used on charts other than Bitbank. These are typical indicators, so if you remember how to read and use them, it will probably be useful when you use Itasha. By the way, when I tried some of them, I got the impression that some of Bidbank's indicators are quite unusual. On the other hand, even if you mainly use other people, it may not be a bad idea to use Bidbank's chart as an indicator.

Moving Average Line

The moving average line is a line that shows the average price of a currency over a certain period of time. It is a useful tool for identifying trends in the market. The moving average line can be used to identify support and resistance levels, as well as to determine when to buy or sell a currency.


The RSI (Relative Strength Index) is a momentum indicator that measures the strength of a currency's price action. It is used to identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The RSI ranges from 0 to 100, with readings above 70 indicating overbought conditions and readings below 30 indicating oversold conditions.


The MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) is a trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a currency's price. It is used to identify changes in the direction, strength, momentum, and duration of a trend.


The basic way to read Bidbank's chart is the time, candlestick, volume, indicator, and drawing function. If you learn how to read and use these, you will be able to perform chart analysis as well as others. However, how to use the inch type and the trend line are on your side. If you're too particular about it, you won't be able to see the bottom. Although it's a highly versatile idea that can be used on charts other than bid banks, spending too much time on it is also a waste of time. When it comes to the drawing functions of children's cellphones, it's hard to see the bottom. It may be a good idea to research the method that suits you and your style.


- Bidbank is a virtual currency exchange company known for its high security and highly functional charts.

- Candlesticks are an important part of the chart, and a wide variety of information is expressed in each candlestick.

- The moving average line, RSI, and MACD are useful indicators for identifying trends in the market.

- Bidbank's chart has some drawing functions, but it is difficult to say for sure how to actually use such a drawing function.


Q: What is Bidbank?

A: Bidbank is a virtual currency exchange company known for its high security and highly functional charts.

Q: What are candlesticks?

A: Candlesticks are an important part of the chart, and a wide variety of information is expressed in each candlestick.

Q: What are the moving average line, RSI, and MACD?

A: The moving average line, RSI, and MACD are useful indicators for identifying trends in the market.

Q: What are Bidbank's drawing functions?

A: Bidbank's chart has some drawing functions, but it is difficult to say for sure how to actually use such a drawing function.



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