

April 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

In this article, I will explain how to use dual sliders in Unity.

Dual sliders are a type of user interface element that allows users to select a value between two extremes. They are often used to adjust the volume of sound or the brightness of an image.

To use dual sliders in Unity, you can use the following steps:

1. **Add the Dual Slider asset to your project.** You can find this asset in the Unity Asset Store.

2. **Create a new GameObject and attach the Dual Slider component to it.**

3. **Configure the properties of the Dual Slider component.** You can set the minimum and maximum values of the slider, as well as the starting value.

4. **Add the Dual Slider to your scene.** You can do this by dragging the GameObject from the Hierarchy window to the Scene view.

5. **Use the Dual Slider in your code.** You can get the current value of the slider by calling the `GetValue()` method, and you can set the value of the slider by calling the `SetValue()` method.

Here is an example of how to use dual sliders in Unity:


// Create a new GameObject and attach the Dual Slider component to it.

GameObject slider = new GameObject();


// Configure the properties of the Dual Slider component.

slider.MinValue = 0;

slider.MaxValue = 100;

slider.Value = 50;

// Add the Dual Slider to your scene.

transform.position = Vector3.zero;

// Use the Dual Slider in your code.

float value = slider.GetValue();



I hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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