Dropshipping is a HORRIBLE Business For Everyone, Here's Why...

Dropshipping is a HORRIBLE Business For Everyone, Here's Why...

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

## **Is Drop Shipping Dead or Saturated to Start in 2023?**

**Table of Contents**

1. Introduction

2. Why Drop Shipping is Not Dead

3. Product Research Methods for Finding Unsaturated Products

4. How to Verify Products and Know if They're Good to Test

5. Conclusion


In this video, I'm going to be answering the question: Is Drop Shipping dead or saturated to start in 2023? I'll be sharing some hard truths about Drop Shipping and what you can do to actually make a lot of money with it this year.

**Why Drop Shipping is Not Dead**

A lot of people think that Drop Shipping is dead because they see a lot of saturated products on the market. However, the truth is that Drop Shipping itself is not dead. It's just that the products that are being sold are saturated.

The reason why products get saturated is because of all the different types of product research tools that are available. At the end of the day, there are a ton of new drop shippers and everyone is using the exact same product research methods. So as soon as a lot of beginners try to hop on a product thinking that it'll be the next million dollar thing, they don't understand that there's probably hundreds if not thousands of other people trying to sell that exact same product.

When they try to advertise it, they don't stand out whatsoever and they can't compete in the ad space. So when they actually go to try to test those products, they're wondering why their ad costs are so high and they can't get a single sale. They get a whole bunch of terrible traffic to their Shopify store. Those products are being sold by tons of other people and they're super competitive.

Just because you can't make money with drop shipping within the first week, month, even the year, it does not mean it doesn't work. So I'm going to be showing you guys a perfect product research strategies that you need to be using that'll help you guys find that first winning product a lot faster.

**Product Research Methods for Finding Unsaturated Products**

In order for you guys to avoid saturated products that won't get you any types of sales whatsoever, you need to go for products that are currently trending and barely have any types of sellers if any at all. And if they actually do have sellers, there is a lot more room for improvement that you guys can capitalize on in order to get their customers.

One really good way that you guys can be doing this is going on AliExpress and looking up very big products that that you know of that have been drop shipped before. An example is this massage gun that we have right here that you can see has over 8,000 orders and this seller has 95,000 followers which means that they sell a ton of products and they know what is starting to Trend. They know what exactly starting to sell well and they have a 98 positive feedback which means that they actually get back to the people that message them and they have really high quality products and customer service.

So what you guys would need to do is go down here and you can do this for basically any type of supplier that you find and you want to go ahead and click this contact button.

So when you guys message them, you can send them a message and say hey, I really love your products and have been Drop Shipping for a while now and I was really interested in doing business with you and was wondering if you knew of any products that have just started to sell well or are starting to Trend.

By sending this message, you're going to tell them that hey, you know, you're in you're interested in actually working with them and potentially Drop Shipping from their store and they're going to be willing to inform you on products that are starting to Trend up and they know exactly what types of products are selling well and they're going to be able to inform you on these things mainly because they want to make money as much as you do. So if there's a chance that they can tell you that hey, there's a product that's selling really well and you start Drop Shipping that product from them, they're going to make money and you're gonna make money. So it's a win-win.

And this is a very underrated method. You could do the exact same thing by going on Alibaba as well. Alibaba AliExpress are basically the same exact thing. You can drop ship from both platforms.

So when we're on Alibaba, you can go down to the Drop Shipping section and you guys can see what types of sellers that are on here. Like you could go to the products from the featured suppliers like this one right

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