Dropshipping For Beginners (10 HACKS You NEED To Know BEFORE You Start)

Dropshipping For Beginners (10 HACKS You NEED To Know BEFORE You Start)

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Top 10 Hacks for Drop Shipping in 2023

Are you starting drop shipping in 2023? If so, there are some important hacks you need to know to be successful. These hacks will help you find your winning product faster, stay ahead of your competition, and build a sustainable brand. In this article, we will cover the top 10 hacks for drop shipping in 2023.

Hack #1: Use AI for Copywriting

Copywriting and creating product descriptions for your Shopify store can be time-consuming. Instead of spending hours writing the perfect product page, use an AI tool like Chat GPT. You can enter different things like slogan names, brand names, and ask it to create a product description for any product. It can literally write up an entire Shopify store in under 30 seconds. This will help you find your first winning product faster, do product research more efficiently, and test those products more rapidly.

Hack #2: Stand Out with Unique Products

One of the biggest problems with drop shipping is trying to sell a product that has too many sellers. This causes product saturation, and products can die out relatively quickly. To stand out, you need to make sure your product is unique and doesn't reinvent the wheel. You can do this by going on Amazon or AliExpress and entering different broad keywords related to a product. This way, you can see a wide selection of different products that may not have been drop shipped before.

Hack #3: Use Canva for Professional Photos

Professional product photos are essential for your Shopify store. If you don't have the most insane Photoshop skills in the world, use Canva. You can remove backgrounds extremely easily for basically any type of photo, and it does it very accurately. You can also go in manually and remove any imperfections in those photos. This way, you can have professional photos on your first drop shipping store and look like those huge seven-figure brands.

Hack #4: Use a Legitimate Tracking Page

You can have a legitimate tracking page on your website for customers to enter in their information and know exactly where their packages are. This is the case even if you choose to use AliExpress, which has longer shipping times. There are apps out there like Omega order tracking where you can put a tracking page on your site and automatically extract the tracking link that a supplier uploads to the order. This way, a customer can see where their order is, and you don't have to worry about refunds and losing a whole bunch of money.

Hack #5: Use Reliable Platforms for Shipping

You don't need to use AliExpress if you're getting into drop shipping for the first time. There are super reliable platforms out there like CJ Drop Shipping that have 7 to 15-day shipping and upload tracking to your orders. They give you a completely free personal agent, and some products on there are even the same exact price if not less than what is on AliExpress. This way, you can have really good shipping times and a personal agent for a little bit higher product prices.

Hack #6: Utilize Your Personal Agent

Your personal agent can help you find the trendiest products and new winning products coming onto the market. By reaching out to them maybe once a week or so, you can see exactly what's starting to sell. This way, you can hop on products extremely early and have the upper hand on all your competition. You also want to build a really good relationship with your personal agent because they're going to be the foundation of your overall drop shipping career.

Hack #7: Offer Free Shipping

You don't need to charge shipping on your products. This can actually lose you a lot of sales because customers don't want to have any type of barrier or friction in the checkout. The only time you should be charging for shipping is if you're doing a free plus shipping offer where the cost of goods or the product is so low where you can actually charge for shipping. Instead, offer expedited free shipping plus insurance and tracking. This is going to really entice your customer to trust your store and actually finish checkout.

Hack #8: Replicate Viral Videos

Creating a video ad for a certain product can be challenging. Instead of trying to figure out what will work, replicate videos that have already gone viral for that specific product or other ones within that same exact niche. This way, you can stand out from your competition and put your own spin on it.

Hack #9: Take Inspiration from Million Dollar Brands

Take inspiration from million-dollar brands that have been selling products within your niche. You will notice that these huge brands have super simple product pages with a couple of bullet points. They don't have giant paragraphs that customers have to read through in order to order their product. You can also have gifts on your site to demonstrate the product and really good reviews with pictures.

Hack #10: Use a General Store

Instead of creating a one-product store every single time that you test a product out, you need to be having a general store. This way, you can test products a lot faster, and once it starts selling extremely well, you can convert that general store to a one-product store. You also want to make sure that all the different colors that you're using are like a gray, white, or maybe a blue, and then your logo or your brand name is all-encompassing.

These are the top 10 hacks for drop shipping in 2023. By implementing these hacks, you can find your winning product faster, stay ahead of your competition, and build a sustainable brand.


- Using AI for copywriting saves time and helps find winning products faster

- Unique products and standing out from the competition is crucial

- Reliable platforms for shipping and personal agents can help find new winning products

- Offering free shipping can increase conversion rates

- Replicating viral videos and taking inspiration from million-dollar brands can help stand out

- Using a general store can help test products faster


- Some of these hacks may require additional costs

- It may take time to build a relationship with a personal agent

- Replicating viral videos may not always work


- Use AI for copywriting

- Stand out with unique products

- Use reliable platforms for shipping and personal agents

- Offer free shipping

- Replicate viral videos and take inspiration from million-dollar brands

- Use a general store


Q: What is drop shipping?

A: Drop shipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn't keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer.

Q: What is a personal agent?

A: A personal agent is a representative from a supplier who can help you find new winning products and build a relationship with the supplier.

Q: What is a general store?

A: A general store is a store that sells a variety of products within a specific niche.

Q: What is a one-product store?

A: A one-product store is a store that sells only one product.

Q: What is a free plus shipping offer?

A: A free plus shipping offer is an offer where the cost of goods or the product is so low where you can actually charge for shipping.

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