DOUBLE YOUR PROFIT WITH AMAZON FBA (#1 Price-Hiking Strategy to Generate Max Profit)

DOUBLE YOUR PROFIT WITH AMAZON FBA (#1 Price-Hiking Strategy to Generate Max Profit)

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 How to Increase Profit Margins on Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to increase the profit margins of your Amazon products? If so, you're in luck. In this article, we'll go over a specific strategy that can help you raise the price of your product without decreasing sales. This strategy is best suited for products that have been selling on Amazon for at least one to three months, are innovative, and have a high sense of perceived value.

📈 The Strategy

The strategy is simple: raise the price of your product while keeping track of the best sellers rank (BSR) in the category and subcategory. However, it's important to note that this strategy is not suitable for all products. It works best for premium products that are differentiated and have a high sense of perceived value.

For example, if you're selling a phone case or weights, this strategy is not likely to work for you. However, if you're selling a premium product that is unique and stands out, such as a yoga block with hand placements for better balance, this strategy can be highly effective.

📊 Tracking BSR

As you raise the price of your product, it's important to keep track of the BSR in the category and subcategory. If the BSR goes up, it means that sales are going down. If the BSR goes down, it means that sales are going up.

To track the BSR, you can use a tool like Helium 10, which provides a chart that allows you to see how the BSR changes relative to the price. If the BSR goes up but then jumps back down after a few days, it's best to hold the price there until you introduce another price jump.

💰 Optimal Time to Increase Price

The best time to increase the price of your product is during your sales peak period, which is typically around quarter four. This is when there is a lot of money being spent online, and buyers are looking to purchase gifts for their friends and family.

If you have a seasonal product, such as a Halloween or summer product, start inching up the price slowly about a month or two before your peak period. For general products, start inching up the price around the start of October.

🤑 Benefits of the Strategy

The benefits of this strategy are clear: it increases your profit margins and the perceived value of your product. By slowly raising the price of your product, you can separate yourself from the competition and create a premium version of your product.

This strategy can also be used if you're about to stock out of a product. Instead of having the price stay the same, start inching up the price to increase your profit margins and slow down sales incrementally.

🚫 Cons

It's important to note that this strategy may not work for all products. It's best suited for premium products that are differentiated and have a high sense of perceived value. Additionally, if you raise the price too quickly, the BSR may suffer, and sales may decrease.

🌟 Highlights

- Raise the price of your product while keeping track of the BSR in the category and subcategory.

- This strategy works best for premium products that are differentiated and have a high sense of perceived value.

- Use a tool like Helium 10 to track the BSR and make informed data-driven decisions.

- The best time to increase the price of your product is during your sales peak period.

- This strategy can increase your profit margins and the perceived value of your product.


Q: Will this strategy work for all products?

A: No, this strategy works best for premium products that are differentiated and have a high sense of perceived value.

Q: How quickly should I raise the price of my product?

A: It's best to raise the price slowly, about a dollar per week, over the course of multiple weeks.

Q: When is the best time to increase the price of my product?

A: The best time to increase the price of your product is during your sales peak period, typically around quarter four.

Q: What should I do if the BSR suffers after raising the price of my product?

A: If the BSR suffers, it's best to hold the price there until you introduce another price jump.

📚 Resources

- Helium 10:

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