Do This to DOUBLE Your KDP Sales OVERNIGHT (Guaranteed)

Do This to DOUBLE Your KDP Sales OVERNIGHT (Guaranteed)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction

II. Book Review: Car Trip Trivia for Smart Kids 8 to 12

III. Book Review: Cultural Diversity and Digestion

IV. Book Review: Book of Mazes for 6 Years Old

V. Book Review: Word Search for Kids Aged 8 to 10

VI. Book Review: Essential Oils Absolutes and CO2's Hidden Message Word Search

VII. Book Review: Knowing the United States Independent History and Important Events Since Independence

VIII. Book Review: Welcome to the Soulmate Scam: An Educational Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

IX. Conclusion



In today's digital age, self-publishing has become a popular way for authors to get their work out to the public. However, with so many books being published every day, it can be difficult for authors to stand out from the crowd. In this article, we will review several self-published books and provide feedback on how the authors can improve their work to increase sales and gain more readers.

Book Review: Car Trip Trivia for Smart Kids 8 to 12

Car Trip Trivia for Smart Kids 8 to 12 is a book that promises to beat boredom with 200 fascinating facts and mind-boggling questions plus 20 bonus games. While the title is SEO optimized and the cover is decent, the book is not selling well. The biggest issue is that there is no demand for the topic of road trip trivia. Before creating a book, authors must confirm that the topic they are writing about is actually selling. The final rating for this book is three out of five.

Book Review: Cultural Diversity and Digestion

Cultural Diversity and Digestion is a book about gut health. While the book is selling decently, there are several improvements that the author can make to increase sales. The title is not clear, and the subtitle is repeating the same thing as the title. The author should change the title to something that is more keyword optimized and clearer on what the book is about. The book cover is not bad, but it could be improved by making the main focus the improvement of gut health. The author should also add an ebook and hardcover version of the book and get more reviews. The final rating for this book is four out of five.

Book Review: Book of Mazes for 6 Years Old

Book of Mazes for 6 Years Old promises to beat boredom with 200 fascinating facts and mind-boggling questions plus 20 bonus games. The book cover is decent, but the subtitle is repeating the same thing as the title. The author should change the subtitle to something that is more descriptive and keyword optimized. The book cover could be improved by showcasing the interior and making the main focus the mazes. The author should also get more reviews and add an ebook and hardcover version of the book. The final rating for this book is two out of five.

Book Review: Word Search for Kids Aged 8 to 10

Word Search for Kids Aged 8 to 10 promises 101 search and find word puzzles. The subtitle is repeating the same thing as the title, and the author should change it to something more specific and descriptive. The book cover is high quality, but the author should model it after successful competitors and make the main focus the word search. The author should also get more reviews and niche down the topic to make it less competitive. The final rating for this book is four out of five.

Book Review: Essential Oils Absolutes and CO2's Hidden Message Word Search

Essential Oils Absolutes and CO2's Hidden Message Word Search promises hidden message word search puzzles related to essential oils. The book cover does not make sense and does not portray the concept of dealing with narcissistic abuse. The author should improve the title and change it to something that is more keyword optimized and clearer on what the book is about. The book cover could be improved by making the main focus the puzzles and adding more color contrast. The author should also get more reviews and add an ebook and hardcover version of the book. The final rating for this book is 2.5 out of five.

Book Review: Knowing the United States Independent History and Important Events Since Independence

Knowing the United States Independent History and Important Events Since Independence is a book that is not clear on what it is about. The author should change the title to something that is clearer and more descriptive. The book cover is not professional and does not make sense. The author should improve the book cover by modeling it after successful competitors and making the main focus the topic of the book. The author should also get more reviews and add an ebook and hardcover version of the book. The final rating for this book is 1.5 out of five.

Book Review: Welcome to the Soulmate Scam: An Educational Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Welcome to the Soulmate Scam: An Educational Workbook for Narcissistic Abuse Recovery is a book that is selling decently. The author should add an ebook and hardcover version of the book and improve the book cover by making it clearer on what the book is about. The author should also get more reviews and change the series name to something that is clearer and more descriptive. The final rating for this book is four out of five.


In conclusion, self-publishing can be a great way for authors to get their work out to the public. However, it is important to confirm that there is demand for the topic before creating a book. Authors should also improve their book covers, titles, and subtitles to make them clearer and more descriptive. Getting more reviews and adding ebook and hardcover versions of the book can also increase sales. By following these tips, authors can stand out from the crowd and gain more readers.


Q: How can I confirm that there is demand for the topic of my book before creating it?

A: You can do keyword research on Amazon to see if there are other books on the topic that are selling well.

Q: How can I improve my book cover?

A: You can model it after successful competitors and make the main focus the topic of the book. Adding more color contrast and showcasing the interior can also help.

Q: How can I get more reviews for my book?

A: You can use services like Pubby or ask friends and family to leave a review. Offering a free copy of the book in exchange for a review can also help.

Q: Should I add an ebook and hardcover version of my book?

A: Yes, adding ebook and hardcover versions of the book can increase sales and reach a wider audience.

Q: How can I niche down the topic of my book?

A: Adding a theme or specific topic to the book can make it less competitive and easier to rank for on Amazon.

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