Did Samsung Finally Beat Apple iPhone? *S24 Ultra*

Did Samsung Finally Beat Apple iPhone? *S24 Ultra*

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Video Quality

3. Low Light Photos

4. Ultra Wide Angle Shots

5. Extra Camera Features

6. Skin Tone Accuracy

7. Portrait Mode

8. Zoom Capability

9. Selfies

10. Conclusion


In the ever-evolving world of smartphones, two giants, iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung s24 Ultra, have emerged as the contenders for the best camera. Every year, these flagship phones promise to deliver the ultimate camera experience. But which one truly reigns supreme? In this article, we will explore the real-life practical tests that matter the most to users. We will focus on eight key aspects and assign points to each phone, ultimately determining the winner. So, let's dive into the world of smartphone photography and find out which device captures the crown!

Video Quality

When it comes to video recording, the iPhone has always been a dominant force. However, this year, the s24 Ultra has closed the gap significantly. In outdoor daytime conditions, both phones offer impressive 4K video quality. The s24 Ultra even takes it a step further, supporting 8K video at 30 FPS and 5x zoom. Both phones excel in stabilization, with the iPhone featuring action mode and the Samsung boasting super steady mode. In low-light scenarios, the iPhone takes the lead with brighter videos and smoother transitions. While the s24 Ultra is a close competitor, the iPhone edges ahead in this category.

Low Light Photos

Indoor photography with normal lighting conditions proves to be a tough call between the two contenders. To determine a winner, we took the challenge outdoors. The results were intriguing, with both phones capturing stunning photos from different angles. The Samsung photo showcased better colors in some instances, while the iPhone photo excelled in others. When it comes to low-light photography, the crucial factor is brightness. The iPhone consistently captured more light, resulting in better overall photos. Surprisingly, the s24 Ultra, which used to perform better in low light, falls slightly behind the iPhone in this aspect.

Ultra Wide Angle Shots

Both the iPhone and the s24 Ultra feature a 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. In daylight conditions, both phones produce fine pictures with excellent colors and HDR capabilities. The iPhone tends to lean towards warmer tones, while the Samsung leans towards cooler tones. Choosing between the two becomes a matter of personal preference, as both devices excel in capturing ultra-wide-angle shots.

Extra Camera Features

While the iPhone offers a default 24-megapixel shooting mode, the s24 Ultra takes the lead in terms of additional camera features. The Samsung device provides a suite of AI-powered functionalities, including Pro Photo, Pro Video, and Single Take. Notably, the s24 Ultra introduces innovative features like converting any video to slow motion with a simple long press and using the object eraser to remove unwanted elements from photos instantly. Samsung's AI capabilities give it an edge in this category.

Skin Tone Accuracy

Capturing accurate skin tones is crucial in smartphone photography. At first glance, both phones perform admirably in this aspect. However, upon closer inspection, the iPhone tends to produce slightly yellowish skin tones compared to the s24 Ultra. This warm tone can make the skin appear unnatural. The Samsung device, on the other hand, delivers more accurate skin tones, making it the preferred choice for capturing human subjects.

Portrait Mode

Portrait photography is a favorite among smartphone users. Both the iPhone and the s24 Ultra excel in this area, offering impressive background blur and edge detection. The iPhone occasionally outshines the Samsung in terms of HDR, especially when capturing shots against the sun or in low-light conditions. However, the s24 Ultra's white balance can be inconsistent at times. Despite this, the Samsung device's dedicated 3x zoom lens provides sharper and more detailed close-up portrait photos. Both phones offer the ability to convert regular photos into portrait mode, with Samsung's swipe-up feature and iPhone's post-capture editing option.

Zoom Capability

Zooming capabilities play a significant role in smartphone photography. Here, the Samsung's software processing takes the lead. At 3x zoom, the s24 Ultra produces superior results, with sharper images and better contrast compared to the iPhone. Even at extreme zoom levels, the Samsung device maintains usable picture quality. The iPhone, on the other hand, struggles with softness and lacks the ability to zoom up to 100x like the s24 Ultra. Samsung emerges as the clear winner in the zoom category.


Both the iPhone and the s24 Ultra capture impressive selfies, with excellent color reproduction, sharpness, and HDR capabilities. However, the Samsung device's color tone is closer to natural, making it the preferred choice for many users. The iPhone tends to introduce a warmer tone, which can be excessive in certain situations. In the end, the Samsung device edges ahead in the selfie department.


In the battle for the best camera, both the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung s24 Ultra offer exceptional photography experiences. The gap between the two has significantly narrowed, making it difficult to declare a clear winner. The iPhone excels in video quality and low-light photography, while the s24 Ultra shines in extra camera features, skin tone accuracy, zoom capability, and selfies. Ultimately, the choice between these flagship devices comes down to personal preferences. Whichever phone you choose, you can be confident in capturing stunning photos and videos that will exceed your expectations.


- iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung s24 Ultra compete for the best camera

- Real-life practical tests determine the winner

- iPhone dominates in video quality, while the s24 Ultra excels in low-light photography

- Both phones capture impressive ultra-wide-angle shots

- Samsung offers a suite of AI-powered camera features, giving it an edge

- Skin tone accuracy favors the s24 Ultra over the iPhone

- Portrait mode showcases strengths and weaknesses in both devices

- Samsung's zoom capability surpasses that of the iPhone

- Selfies are excellent on both phones, with Samsung's color tone being more natural

- The choice between the two ultimately depends on personal preferences


**Q: Which phone is better for video recording?**

A: The iPhone 15 Pro Max has traditionally dominated in video quality, but the Samsung s24 Ultra has closed the gap significantly this year. Both phones offer impressive video capabilities, with the iPhone excelling in low-light scenarios and the s24 Ultra providing higher resolution options.

**Q: Which phone captures better low-light photos?**

A: While both the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung s24 Ultra capture impressive low-light photos, the iPhone edges ahead by capturing more light and producing brighter images. However, the s24 Ultra's performance in low light has improved compared to its predecessor.

**Q: Do both phones have good ultra-wide-angle cameras?**

A: Yes, both the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Samsung s24 Ultra feature 12-megapixel ultra-wide-angle cameras. They capture fine pictures with excellent colors and HDR capabilities. The choice between the two comes down to personal preference, as the iPhone leans towards warmer tones while the Samsung leans towards cooler tones.

**Q: What extra camera features does each phone offer?**

A: The iPhone 15 Pro Max offers a default 24-megapixel shooting mode and the ability to shoot in L-Log for post-production color grading. On the other hand, the Samsung s24 Ultra provides a suite of AI-powered features, including Pro Photo, Pro Video, Single Take, and object er

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