DeskAway - Setting up FreshBooks Integration

DeskAway - Setting up FreshBooks Integration

April 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 How to Set Up an Integration Between Freshbooks and DeskAway

Are you tired of manually tracking and invoicing your clients? Look no further than Freshbooks, an application designed to streamline your invoicing process. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to set up an integration between Freshbooks and DeskAway, a project management tool, to keep your time logs synchronized between both accounts.

📌 Step 1: Get More Information on Freshbooks

Before we dive into the integration process, let's take a closer look at Freshbooks. This application allows you to easily track and invoice your clients, making it a valuable tool for any business owner. To learn more about Freshbooks, visit their website at

📌 Step 2: Enable Freshbooks Integration

Now that you have a better understanding of Freshbooks, it's time to enable the integration with DeskAway. First, log in to your Freshbooks account and go to "My Account" in the top right corner. Click on "Freshbooks API" and then "API" to copy the API URL and authentication token.

Next, log into your DeskAway account and go to "Settings" and then "Freshbooks." Click on "Enable Freshbooks Integration" and paste the API URL and authentication token. Your integration should now be set, and you should see a success message.

📌 Step 3: Map Your DeskAway Projects to Freshbooks Projects

Once you've enabled the integration, you'll see a list of all your Freshbooks projects in DeskAway. When you add or edit a DeskAway project, simply choose the corresponding Freshbooks project to map the two together. Time logged within a DeskAway project from time sheets can also be sent to your Freshbooks project, keeping your time logs synchronized between both accounts.

📌 Pros and Cons of Freshbooks Integration


- Streamlines invoicing process

- Keeps time logs synchronized between Freshbooks and DeskAway

- Easy to set up and use


- Only the DeskAway account owner can set up the integration

- Limited to Freshbooks and DeskAway integration

📌 Highlights

- Freshbooks is an application designed to streamline your invoicing process.

- Enabling the integration between Freshbooks and DeskAway allows you to keep your time logs synchronized between both accounts.

- The integration is easy to set up and use.


Q: Who can set up the Freshbooks integration with DeskAway?

A: Only the DeskAway account owner can set up the integration.

Q: Can I use Freshbooks with other project management tools?

A: No, the Freshbooks integration is limited to DeskAway.

Q: Is the integration easy to set up?

A: Yes, the integration is easy to set up and use.

📌 Resources

- Freshbooks:

- DeskAway:

- AI Chatbot:

By following these simple steps, you can easily set up an integration between Freshbooks and DeskAway, streamlining your invoicing process and keeping your time logs synchronized between both accounts. And don't forget to check out the AI Chatbot from VOC, which can automatically reduce large amounts of work on customer services.

- End -
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